Islam is out to Islamicize the west.
Our own lack of fervor in defending the faiths of our fathers, the collapse of a strong theologically based Christian clergy, the tolerance of Jews for "minority" rights, are all playing into the hands of the people who are out to destroy us, our religion, our culture, our society, and our nation.
Allowing a Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers in an American city is tantamount to having permitted prayers for the Emperor in Japan in the U.S. in WW2.
The U.S. should stop permitting any Islamic moisques or madrasshes from operating in the U.S. which are funded, led, or tied in any way to the Wahhabist extremists in Saudi Arabia.
It's absurd we're losing good men and women --- having them killed in Iraq but at the same time we're allowing the Middle East (and others) to take over parts of the USA.