To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Isn't this the same as telling someone not to stick their tongue in a light socket?
27 posted on
05/14/2004 10:40:37 AM PDT by
(Who said I could spell? My fingers are faster than my brain.)
To: najida; .45MAN
Isn't this the same as telling someone not to stick their tongue in a light socket?You made me LOL in a quiet room while waiting for trainees to finish up a written exam! For shame!
32 posted on
05/14/2004 10:52:14 AM PDT by
(*PROUD to be a knuckle-dragging, toothless, inbred, right-wing, Southern, gun-toting Neanderthal *)
To: najida
Isn't this the same as telling someone not to stick their tongue in a light socket? Yeah, this reads kind of like a "Warning: Do not use on genitals" label on a chainsaw.
The catch is that if you are stupid enough to need to be warned, you are too stupid to heed the warning.
34 posted on
05/14/2004 10:55:25 AM PDT by
(People should be banned for sophistry.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson