I want someone to find financial links between ANSWER, AQ, and George Soros. We all know Soros hasa used money and power to influence foreign elections. Who's to say he isn't doing that here- both in the US AND Iraq?
The key is Prometheus. Is it true Nick was getting 11,000 pounds a month? Was planning on a comfy Turkish Riviera sailing vacation shortly?
Berg Sr. was signed off as a principal on Prometheus. We know Prometheus was in Guatemala and other third world countries trying to build a network of left-wing radio stations.
Where was all this travel money coming from??????
If we can find a Soros-ANSWER-Prometheus financial link, BINGO!!! Slam Dunk.
This would also help to explain the unexplained ease with which Nick slid across int'l boundaries, which by all accounts was usually a red-tape nightmare.
I'm thinking the connection is Nick and Mike Berg > ANSWER > George $oros$.
And if his true mission was to make a liason with Al Queda....which his actual actions support....
This would be a bombshell. If Kerry ever lets Mike Berg get near him, he's a total fool. Mike Berg could be a living "smoking gun" connecting the organized Soros backed left to Al Queda.
Not to mention Kerry's own wife, and her $upport of radical leftist organizations!