To: Baynative
'ERR'America almost out lasted Dona-WHO for life on the air talking liberal nonsense. Hmmmm.
Maybe it WAS another Donna-who program.
107 posted on
05/13/2004 2:47:25 AM PDT by
(NO BLOOD FOR RATINGS. CNN ignored torture & murder in Saddam's Iraq to keep their Baghdad Bureau.)
To: weegee
I had never noticed the "deer in the highlights" surprized stare of these twins before. What an eye opener! (pun intended)
118 posted on
05/13/2004 8:09:59 AM PDT by
(Remember: DimocRat lies told often enough became truth to 42% of americans)
To: weegee
LOL. Franken and Donna-who, typical liberal "Duuuhhhh" expressions.
125 posted on
05/13/2004 8:31:13 AM PDT by
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