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House RollCall House Prisoners
Yahoo! News ^ | Thu May 6, 3:50 PM ET | Associated Press

Posted on 05/06/2004 9:38:00 PM PDT by Dan Zachary

The 365-50 roll call Thursday by which the House approved a resolution condemning the abuses of Iraqi prisoners while commending the members of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in Iraq (news - web sites).

A "yes" vote is a vote to approve the resolution.

Voting "yes" were 151 Democrats, 213 (Republicans) and one independent.

Voting "no" were 49 Democrats and one independent.

X denotes those not voting.

There is one vacancy in the 435-member House.


Democrats — Cramer, Y; Davis, Y.

Republicans — Aderholt, Y; Bachus, Y; Bonner, Y; Everett, Y; Rogers, Y.


Republicans — Young, Y.


Democrats — Grijalva, N; Pastor, Y.

Republicans — Flake, Y; Franks, Y; Hayworth, Y; Kolbe, Y; Renzi, Y; Shadegg, Y.


Democrats — Berry, Y; Ross, Y; Snyder, Y.

Republicans — Boozman, Y.


Democrats — Baca, X; Becerra, Y; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Davis, Y; Dooley, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, Y; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lantos, Y; Lee, N; Lofgren, Y; Matsui, Y; Millender-McDonald, N; Miller, George, N; Napolitano, Y; Pelosi, N; Roybal-Allard, Y; Sanchez, Linda T., Y; Sanchez, Loretta, Y; Schiff, Y; Sherman, Y; Solis, X; Stark, N; Tauscher, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, N; Watson, N; Waxman, N; Woolsey, N.

Republicans — Bono, X; Calvert, Y; Cox, X; Cunningham, Y; Doolittle, Y; Dreier, Y; Gallegly, Y; Herger, Y; Hunter, Y; Issa, Y; Lewis, Y; McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, Y; Ose, Y; Pombo, Y; Radanovich, Y; Rohrabacher, Y; Royce, Y; Thomas, Y.


Democrats — DeGette, Y; Udall, Y.

Republicans — Beauprez, Y; Hefley, Y; McInnis, Y; Musgrave, Y; Tancredo, Y.


Democrats — DeLauro, Y; Larson, Y.

Republicans — Johnson, Y; Shays, Y; Simmons, Y.


Republicans — Castle, Y.


Democrats — Boyd, X; Brown, Corrine, Y; Davis, Y; Deutsch, Y; Hastings, N; Meek, N; Wexler, Y.

Republicans — Bilirakis, Y; Brown-Waite, Ginny, Y; Crenshaw, Y; Diaz-Balart, L., Y; Diaz-Balart, M., Y; Feeney, Y; Foley, Y; Goss, Y; Harris, Y; Keller, Y; Mica, Y; Miller, Y; Putnam, Y; Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Shaw, Y; Stearns, Y; Weldon, Y; Young, Y.


Democrats — Bishop, Y; Lewis, N; Majette, Y; Marshall, Y; Scott, Y.

Republicans — Burns, Y; Collins, Y; Deal, Y; Gingrey, Y; Isakson, Y; Kingston, Y; Linder, Y; Norwood, Y.


Democrats — Abercrombie, N; Case, Y.


Republicans — Otter, Y; Simpson, Y.


Democrats — Costello, Y; Davis, Y; Emanuel, Y; Evans, Y; Gutierrez, N; Jackson, Y; Lipinski, Y; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, N.

Republicans — Biggert, Y; Crane, Y; Hastert, Y; Hyde, Y; Johnson, Y; Kirk, Y; LaHood, Y; Manzullo, Y; Shimkus, Y; Weller, Y.


Democrats — Carson, Y; Hill, Y; Visclosky, Y.

Republicans — Burton, Y; Buyer, Y; Chocola, Y; Hostettler, Y; Pence, Y; Souder, Y.


Democrats — Boswell, Y.

Republicans — King, Y; Latham, X; Leach, Y; Nussle, Y.


Democrats — Moore, Y.

Republicans — Moran, Y; Ryun, Y; Tiahrt, Y.


Democrats — Chandler, Y; Lucas, Y.

Republicans — Lewis, X; Northup, Y; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, Y.


Democrats — Alexander, Y; Jefferson, Y; John, X.

Republicans — Baker, Y; McCrery, X; Tauzin, X; Vitter, Y.


Democrats — Allen, Y; Michaud, Y.


Democrats — Cardin, Y; Cummings, N; Hoyer, N; Ruppersberger, Y; Van Hollen, Y; Wynn, Y.

Republicans — Bartlett, Y; Gilchrest, Y.


Democrats — Capuano, Y; Delahunt, Y; Frank, N; Lynch, Y; Markey, N; McGovern, N; Meehan, Y; Neal, Y; Olver, N; Tierney, Y.


Democrats — Conyers, N; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Kilpatrick, N; Levin, Y; Stupak, Y.

Republicans — Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; Knollenberg, Y; McCotter, Y; Miller, Y; Rogers, Y; Smith, Y; Upton, Y.


Democrats — McCollum, N; Oberstar, N; Peterson, Y; Sabo, N.

Republicans — Gutknecht, Y; Kennedy, Y; Kline, Y; Ramstad, Y.


Democrats — Taylor, Y; Thompson, Y.

Republicans — Pickering, Y; Wicker, Y.


Democrats — Clay, Y; Gephardt, Y; McCarthy, Y; Skelton, Y.

Republicans — Akin, Y; Blunt, X; Emerson, Y; Graves, Y; Hulshof, Y.


Republicans — Rehberg, Y.


Republicans — Bereuter, Y; Osborne, Y; Terry, Y.


Democrats — Berkley, Y.

Republicans — Gibbons, Y; Porter, Y.


Republicans — Bass, Y; Bradley, Y.


Democrats — Andrews, Y; Holt, Y; Menendez, Y; Pallone, N; Pascrell, Y; Payne, N; Rothman, Y.

Republicans — Ferguson, Y; Frelinghuysen, Y; Garrett, Y; LoBiondo, Y; Saxton, Y; Smith, Y.


Democrats — Udall, Y.

Republicans — Pearce, Y; Wilson, Y.


Democrats — Ackerman, Y; Bishop, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y; Hinchey, N; Israel, Y; Lowey, Y; Maloney, Y; McCarthy, Y; McNulty, Y; Meeks, X; Nadler, Y; Owens, N; Rangel, N; Serrano, N; Slaughter, Y; Towns, N; VelAzquez, N; Weiner, Y.

Republicans — Boehlert, Y; Fossella, Y; Houghton, Y; Kelly, Y; King, Y; McHugh, X; Quinn, Y; Reynolds, Y; Sweeney, Y; Walsh, Y.


Democrats — Ballance, Y; Etheridge, Y; McIntyre, Y; Miller, Y; Price, Y; Watt, N.

Republicans — Ballenger, Y; Burr, Y; Coble, Y; Hayes, Y; Jones, Y; Myrick, Y; Taylor, Y.


Democrats — Pomeroy, Y.


Democrats — Brown, N; Jones, N; Kaptur, N; Kucinich, N; Ryan, N; Strickland, N.

Republicans — Boehner, Y; Chabot, Y; Gillmor, Y; Hobson, Y; LaTourette, Y; Ney, Y; Oxley, X; Portman, Y; Pryce, Y; Regula, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, Y.


Democrats — Carson, Y.

Republicans — Cole, Y; Istook, Y; Lucas, Y; Sullivan, Y.


Democrats — Blumenauer, N; DeFazio, Y; Hooley, Y; Wu, Y.

Republicans — Walden, Y.


Democrats — Brady, Y; Doyle, Y; Fattah, N; Hoeffel, Y; Holden, Y; Kanjorski, Y; Murtha, Y.

Republicans — English, Y; Gerlach, Y; Greenwood, X; Hart, Y; Murphy, Y; Peterson, Y; Pitts, Y; Platts, Y; Sherwood, Y; Shuster, Y; Toomey, Y; Weldon, Y.


Democrats — Kennedy, Y; Langevin, Y.


Democrats — Clyburn, N; Spratt, Y.

Republicans — Barrett, Y; Brown, Y; DeMint, X; Wilson, X.



Democrats — Cooper, Y; Davis, Y; Ford, Y; Gordon, Y; Tanner, Y.

Republicans — Blackburn, Y; Duncan, Y; Jenkins, X; Wamp, Y.


Democrats — Bell, Y; Doggett, Y; Edwards, Y; Frost, Y; Gonzalez, Y; Green, Y; Hinojosa, Y; Jackson-Lee, N; Johnson, E. B., Y; Lampson, Y; Ortiz, Y; Reyes, Y; Rodriguez, Y; Sandlin, Y; Stenholm, Y; Turner, Y.

Republicans — Barton, Y; Bonilla, Y; Brady, Y; Burgess, Y; Carter, Y; Culberson, Y; DeLay, Y; Granger, Y; Hall, Y; Hensarling, Y; Johnson, Sam, Y; Neugebauer, Y; Paul, N; Sessions, Y; Smith, Y; Thornberry, Y.


Democrats — Matheson, Y.

Republicans — Bishop, Y; Cannon, Y.


Independent — Sanders, Y.


Democrats — Boucher, Y; Moran, Y; Scott, Y.

Republicans — Cantor, Y; Davis, Jo Ann, X; Davis, Tom, Y; Forbes, Y; Goode, Y; Goodlatte, Y; Schrock, Y; Wolf, Y.


Democrats — Baird, Y; Dicks, Y; Inslee, N; Larsen, Y; McDermott, N; Smith, Y.

Republicans — Dunn, Y; Hastings, Y; Nethercutt, Y.


Democrats — Mollohan, N; Rahall, Y.

Republicans — Capito, Y.


Democrats — Baldwin, Y; Kind, Y; Kleczka, Y; Obey, Y.

Republicans — Green, Y; Petri, Y; Ryan, Y; Sensenbrenner, Y.


Republicans — Cubin, Y.

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: abuse; iraq
Sorry for posting all the names, but I think that it is important to know who in the house thinks that we should condemn the actions of a few in Iraq and who does not think it is worthy of their condemnation. I think that they are talking about HR627.
1 posted on 05/06/2004 9:38:00 PM PDT by Dan Zachary
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To: Dan Zachary
What's the deal with the ones voting no??
2 posted on 05/06/2004 9:41:14 PM PDT by AntiGuv (When the countdown hits zero - something's gonna happen..)
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To: Dan Zachary
In an interesting sidenote, HR628 is a bill that "Providing for consideration of H. Res. 627, deploring the abuse of persons in United States custody in Iraq." It passed with all Republicans voting for it and all Democrats voting against it (except for a handfull who did not vote). link
3 posted on 05/06/2004 9:42:52 PM PDT by Dan Zachary
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To: AntiGuv
I do not understand it either. It mystifies the mind.
4 posted on 05/06/2004 9:44:36 PM PDT by Dan Zachary
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To: AntiGuv
>commending the members of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in Iraq<

There's what they didn't like.

5 posted on 05/06/2004 9:46:21 PM PDT by RightthinkinAmerican (You can have my gun when I'm done shooting your cold, dead body with it.)
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To: RightthinkinAmerican
Oh, I see. Yep, that makes perfect sense now..
6 posted on 05/06/2004 9:48:42 PM PDT by AntiGuv (When the countdown hits zero - something's gonna happen..)
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To: Dan Zachary
I just typed up and distributed a little informative email about this, another example of the left's festering hate for our military.
7 posted on 05/06/2004 9:57:45 PM PDT by RightthinkinAmerican (You can have my gun when I'm done shooting your cold, dead body with it.)
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To: Dan Zachary
There was NO REASON to condemn anyone!

This is nothing more that a pile of crap! Designed only to embarass the American military and to cover thos slimeball pansy politicians.

I say KUDOS to those DEMOCRATS that voted this DOWN!

It's a shame no other politician slime had the balls to tell these muslim terorists that next we will simply shoot them and bury them in pig blood.
8 posted on 05/06/2004 10:01:17 PM PDT by steplock (
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To: AntiGuv
Thanks for asking the question I was too mystified to ask myself... Are they supporters of our military? But they are dems... I don't get it.
9 posted on 05/06/2004 10:02:17 PM PDT by Libertina (Democrats are to lies as "dog years" are to Spot. Many.)
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To: RightthinkinAmerican
Providing for consideration of H. Res. 627, deploring the abuse of persons in United States custody in Iraq
But it also has this....
10 posted on 05/06/2004 10:03:41 PM PDT by Libertina (Democrats are to lies as "dog years" are to Spot. Many.)
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To: RightthinkinAmerican
I really do not have a clue what they are thinking. If it is a hatred of the military, here is their big chance to condemn the action of some in the military and they passed on it.
11 posted on 05/06/2004 10:06:12 PM PDT by Dan Zachary
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To: steplock
These terrorist are scum, but we cannot treat them in the way shown in the pictures and try to tell the Iraqi people that we are different from Saddam and his sons.
12 posted on 05/06/2004 10:13:08 PM PDT by Dan Zachary
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