In stepping to the side when 'PC' was spewed at them, the Church gave too much room to the secular idiocies that now drive the indefensible (abortion slaughter upon demand of the woman carrying the alive child) and make the obscene (cannibalizing embryonic human beings and cloning for body parts) palatable.
The Catholic Church, rather than leading in godliness, has bowed to the side allowed the pernicious secular humanism issues of abortion, homosexuality (as 'normal'), anti-god sovereignty, and socialism for the masses to become the driving notions of Western Civilization. Question is, has the Church become so corroded with homosexual apologist and abortion silence that they cannot be influential in turning things around? Will the cinos of the democrat party be allowed to once again shut the Church up and out from the political atmosphere? Sadly, I conclude (and apparently MS Fallaci has, also) that the Church is no longer a force, merely a withering voice. The zeal of Islamofacism will swamp the fractious influences of secularization now driving the West.