As far as "towelheads". Towelheads are sikhs-- you know, from India. "Raghead" is the appropriate term for Arabs.
Chinese civilization? Yes, it had its moments. Perhaps it will have a few more in the future. 600 years ago it was blue-eyed people from the north who were the barbarians. And back then it was the Middle Easterners who dominated, advanced, and kept the flame of civilization alive. The torch was passed to the Europeans. And maybe to your people next.
This is the ebb and flow of civilation. This is the nature of history.
But to tell the truth, I don't acribe the evils of Chinese communism or racial separatism to you. Anymore than I ascribe the crimes of the Wahabbis to myself.
I merely used the racial epithets partly in response to yours, and primarily to get your attention. After all, if you're going to call people names... at least use the right terms.
Oh, and just in the spirit of correcting your history... Asians don't kill, mutilate and drag around bodies of people or eat their flesh and organs in public!!
In Vietnam, mutilation of American dead was commonplace-- not to mention what they did to American POWS. And your Chinese ancestors in the Boxer Rebellion did unspeakable things to Europeans as well as non-Europeans.
Eating organs? That's more an African trait than a Middle Eastern one.