That will not be accomplished by flattening the country or indiscriminately slaughtering Iraqi citizens.
By putting a former Baathist incharge of Fallujah we are trying to neutralize the Sunni rebels and isolate the Shia in Najaf and greater Iraq by putting them on notice that their former terrorizers will step to the fore if they don't put the brakes on Sadr.
Then we are screwed. When the last American troop leaves Iraq the bloody mullahs will take over and we will have another radical Islamic country training al-Quida terrorists to murder the American infidels!
The people on the street want us out now, they don't give a d*** about us freeing them from the oppression of Sadam. They cannot wait to bring themselves back under the boot, this time the mullahs.
Freedom in an Islamic state is an oxymoron. The two don't mix at all. The prophet demands submission, not freedom!