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Why are Christians losing America? ^
| Wednesday, April 28, 2004
| David Kupelian
Posted on 04/28/2004 12:01:04 AM PDT by JohnHuang2
click here to read article
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To: JohnHuang2
Bump for future reference.
posted on
05/06/2004 5:43:32 PM PDT
Euro-American Scum
(A poverty-stricken middle class must be a disarmed middle class)
Thanks for the ping.
No matter the state of the world, no matter the state of the Church, our calling remains unchanged; and that is simply to be faithful and do all that we can do.
I pray God that our salt won't lose its saltiness, nor our light become darkness. The world desperately needs it.
To: JohnHuang2
If I might be so bold as to offer a succinct answer: Because Christians don't know the difference between "nice" and "good."
posted on
05/06/2004 6:04:46 PM PDT
(Gray area = black and white + lots of "spin")
To: sr4402
No, what we need is a thorough-going persecution. The church is watered with the blood of martyrs. There are few weak Christians in the Sudan where the Muslims have been killing and enslaving them for 50 years. Everything becomes crystal clear when you have to decide if you will confess Jesus and die, which means you will live eternally, or if you will deny Him and live, but spend eternity in hell. Persecution toughens the church and gives it muscle instead of the flabby fat we see today. Of course, the entire society, believer and non-believer alike, suffers through these holocausts as
society is torn apart. The wheels of God's justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.
To: JohnHuang2
Well lets see: the 9th circuit court of appeals,the supreme court, the aclu,the world council of churches,the national council of churches and of course the person who stares back at you in a mirror. No big mystery!
posted on
05/06/2004 7:00:07 PM PDT
To: JohnHuang2
Nice article. Countries and civilizations alternate between stricter and more rigorous times and laxer and more self-indulgent periods. When things get bad enough, people will return to religion, and one hopes that the return will be strong enough and last long enough to save what's left of civilization. In the next decade or generation, people will rebel against the moral rigor of the age and we'll be back where we are now.
In earlier ages one could hope for more lasting moral foundations, but today the distractions provided by mass media and mass production make it harder to make deep moral commitments over long periods. And true "ages of faith" have a habit of getting into crusades at home or abroad that disillusion people with piety and submissiveness.
BTW, Franklin and Jefferson certainly did feel that established churches and organized religion distorted Christ's true message. But they also rejected orthodox theology, not just Church bureaucracies. Maybe if churches had been different Franklin would have been a more regular churchgoer and Jefferson more orthodox in his beliefs, but, like all such speculations, one really can't say. Such men reflected the skepticism of their age. Even the best pastors had a hard time keeping a flock then, and early evangelical efforts to breathe life into religion weren't always welcomed by intellectuals like Franklin and Jefferson.
posted on
05/06/2004 7:07:08 PM PDT
It's always those little tidbits that are omitted that can give insight, and my Stat professor taught his classes how to present anything to slant it.
I grew up Methodist - I'm glad to see to mainstream members standing up to the homosexuals and being faithful to God's Holy Word. Now if all Christians can band together to end the evil known as abortion that has taken the lives of over 44 million of our children.
posted on
05/06/2004 7:42:51 PM PDT
(||) OUR sins put Him on that cross - HIS love for us kept Him there. (||)
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