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To: quidam; FBD; sultan88; M. Thatcher; Landru; blackie; jla; Rush Limbaugh; George W. Bush
"Hey Quidam!!"
(To be sung to Johnny Cash's "Hey Porter")

Hey Quidam, ol' Matt Drudge...where you been all this time?
How much longer will it be 'til you relink our FReeper Forum, guy?
Dude, we're Right...gotta tell yer faithful fans to FReep on down!!
Or better still, just ping on in and be "quidam" fer a spell.

El Rushbo...Rush time's yers each day!!
You are the Power and the US see the Righteous Way!!
Yer 'bout to hit sixty...stay well, Conservatives must toll the bell!!
Sir, ask everybody, "Please help US FReep!!"
We'll give the DemRATS Hell!!

(guitar pickin')

Hey Cheney...Dick Cheney...we gotta fight this time!!
Yer ol' heart is pumpin' strong...and you'll haveta cream Left's lies!!
I thank you, Dickie C., fer yer servin' most selflessly.
Then, we'll start fresh in Year '08, and we'll choose who next shall lead!!

Hey Dubyuh...George Dubyuh...please cut Guv'ment fer me...
I need no experts to tell me how much you love Liberty!!
Sir, beat that ClintonFear...we'll make Traitor Slick Willie scream!!
Right's in the FReeperZone...sir, we'll be Kerry's nightmare dream!!

(mo' guitar pickin')

Hey Reagan...Dutch opened up the door!!
When they call fer heroes, I always name you first!!
Dutch showed the way, the Goal!!
Tell these hero-man I said, "Thanks a lot!!"
And we'll bear the load from here.
Right's gonna stand and FReep...our Passions boil!!
We'll FReep with Righteous flair!!

Mudboy Slim (3/24/04)


95 posted on 04/28/2004 1:12:49 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim (RE-IMPEACH Osama bil Clinton!!)
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To: international american; joker; FBD
"Peace is Right!!"
(To be sung to Boston's "Peace of Mind")

Yeah...Left is feelin' kinda low 'cuz Slick Willie's their favorite...
Kerry's such a Commie 'Ho!!
Hell'ry oughtta run, but somehow her feet keep on draggin'!!
HildaBeast, give Veep a go!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

I understand it's a big decision...
Gotta choose between Left and Right!!
FReepers, rise up fer Guv'ment Recision...
Show all the World we know Peace is Right!! Yeah...oh oh oh!!

Folks, we've heard enuff of Left's Med'yuh chatter...
Left's been in charge fer too long!!
Can'tcha see there'll come a day when TREASON MATTERS?!
Let's hope that day's before yer gone!!

I understand it's a big decision...
Gotta choose 'tween Wrong and Right!!
FReep the Left into submission!!
All we want is fer folks to do what's Right!!

Future's just ahead!! Future's just ahead...Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!! WOOO!!

(Guitar jammin')

Folks, Big Guv'ment isn't nice, still (it) keeps gettin' bigger!!
Devolve all that Power to me...
Rise up, FReeperPower...must believe Right's Winning...
Rise up fer our Victory!!

I understand it's Life's Big Decision...
Gotta choose between Left and Right!!
FReep DemRATS into submission...
Tell the Republicans to Show Some Spine!!

Future's just ahead...Join our Righteous Thread...LEFT IS DEAD!!

(guitar jammin' to fade)

Mudboy Slim (3/24/04)

96 posted on 04/28/2004 1:15:39 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim (RE-IMPEACH Osama bil Clinton!!)
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