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Sir John Keegan is wrong: radical Islam could win

By Spengler

"In this war of civilizations, the West will prevail," argues the distinguished historian Sir John Keegan, the Defense Editor of the Daily Telegraph, in a commentary on October 8. Why is he so sure? If Sir John were in command on the Western side, I would be inclined to bet on a different outcome.

Sir John references Samuel Huntington's "clash of civilizations" theory and adds:
"Westerners fight face to face, in stand-up battle, and go on until one side or the other gives in. They choose the crudest weapons available, and use them with appalling violence, but observe what, to non-Westerners may well seem curious rules of honour. Orientals, by contrast, shrink from pitched battle, which they often deride as a sort of game, preferring ambush, surprise, treachery and deceit as the best way to overcome an enemy."
Although the nomadic raid lost out to Western resistance over the centuries, Keegan writes, "On September 11, 2001 it returned in an absolutely traditional form. Arabs, appearing suddenly out of empty space like their desert raider ancestors, assaulted the heartlands of Western power, in a terrifying surprise raid and did appalling damage."

Readers who reproached me for using the word "racism" to qualify Washington's orientation toward the Islamic world should read Keegan's essay carefully. Here we have the upright Westerner against the underhanded Oriental. Kipling (who wrote vividly about the sneakiness of the British in the Great Game) would blush.

It's all completely, totally, revoltingly wrong. The West confronts not a throwback to medieval Islam, but a Westernized version of Islam transformed into a totalitarian political ideology. Although it draws upon Islamic sources and overlaps with some strains of Muslim belief, the ideology of Al-Qaeda has greater kinship with Nazism, another synthetic pagan religion, than with traditional Islam.

Like Nazism, it is a deadly threat. Remember that Hitler very nearly won. If Hitler (to cite one among many examples) had not declared war on the United States after Pearl Harbor but instead offered himself as a mediator between Washington and Tokyo, would the US have declared war on Germany? And in the absence of US involvement in Europe, would Hitler have lost? Or if Hitler had thrown the British into the sea at Dunkirk rather than holding back his tanks? Or if Hitler had enlisted the Ukrainians and Balts as allies rather than butchering them? Like the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Al-Qaeda might win, and by the same methods.
Keegan dwells on a strained analogy of tactics and ignores a fundamental difference in objectives.

No traditional society destroyed for the pleasure of destruction; at least none of which we have had reports. The Islamic conquerors of the past raided for identifiable goals. They wished to rule new territories and bring new peoples under their sway. Whether greed or missionary zeal drove them on, let historians argue. The West ultimately drove back these incursions and broke the back of Islamic power.
Al-Qaeda wants no territory, no conversions, no loot, no slaves.

It wishes to destroy the West and happily will sacrifice millions of Muslim lives in order to do so. Indeed, the mass sacrifice of Muslim lives may lie at the heart of its battle plan. It has more in common with the Dostoyevsky of The Possessed or the Wagner of Die Goetterdaemmerung than with the Muslim conquerors of the Middle Ages.

Evil for its own sake becomes imaginable only when the Christian civilization of the West abandons Christianity and stares into the abyss of its own destruction. Before Dostoyevsky, Ibsen, and Wagner presented the relevant profiles, Western literature had the matter in its pure form, in the character of Mephisto in Goethe's Faust. "I am a part of that part which in the beginning was everything," he tells Faust. "A part of darkness that gave birth to light; the proud light, that now contests Mother Night's old rank and space." Al-Qaeda is the darkness that covets the position of light and wishes only to destroy. "I am the spirit that always negates," Mephisto offers, "and rightly so, because everything that comes to be is worthy of its own destruction." Unlike the Western adherents of Nietzsche, who cried, "God is dead, and everything is permitted!", the Islamist radicals have invented a God who permits everything.

Sir John should read carefully Fouad Ajami's profile "Nowhere man" of terrorist Mohammed Atta in the New York Times of October 7. "In more recent years, younger Egyptians gave up on the place, came to dream of fulfillment - economic, personal, political - in foreign lands. Mohammed Atta, who left for Germany in 1993, was part of that migration, of that rupturing of things on the banks of the Nile. Religion came to Atta unexpectedly, in Hamburg, where he had gone for a graduate degree in urban planning ... The modern world unsettled Atta. He exalted the traditional, but it could no longer give him a home. He drifted in 'infidel' lands but could never be fully at ease. He led an itinerant life. The magnetic power of the American imperium had fallen across his country. He arrived here with a presumption, and a claim. We had intruded into his world; he would shatter the peace of ours. The glamorized world couldn't be fully had; it might as well be humbled and taken down," wrote the professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University.

"It must have been easy work for the recruiters who gave Atta a sense of mission, a way of doing penance for the liberties he had taken in the West, and the material means to live the plotter's life. A hybrid kind has been forged across that seam between the civilization of Islam and the more emancipated culture of the West. Behold the children, the issue, of this encounter as they flail about and rail against the world in no-man's-land," concludes Ajami.
Mohammed Atta, to Ajami's expert eye, is the direct descendant of Dostoyevsky's Raskolnikov, the impoverished student from an Old Believer family adrift in St Petersburg, who kills for the sake of doing evil.

The grand vulnerability of the Western mind is horror. The Nazis understood this and pursued a policy "des Schreckens" (to cause horror) and "Entsetzens" (terror, literally: dislodgement). Horror was not merely an instrument of war in the traditional sense, but a form of Wagnerian theater, or psychological warfare on the grand scale. Hitler's tactical advantage lay in his capacity to be more horrible than his opponents could imagine. The most horrible thing of all is that he well might have succeeded if not for his own megalomaniac propensity to overreach.
America, as Osama bin Laden taunted this week, lost in Vietnam. But it was not military setbacks, but the horrific images of Vietnamese civilians burned by napalm, that lost the war.
America's experience in the war is enshrined in popular culture in the film Apocalypse Now, modeled after Joseph Conrad's story, The Heart of Darkness. The Belgian trading company official, Paul Kurtz, sinks into bestiality and dies with these words: "The horror! The horror!" It was a dreadful film, but a clever reference. At the close of World War I, T S Eliot subtitled his epitaph for Western civilization, The Waste Land, with a quote from the Conrad story: "Mr Kurtz, he dead."

From America's moral collapse in the face of the horror of Vietnam, there arose a repudiation of classical Western culture unlike anything seen previously in the English-speaking world. The West nearly threw up its hands in the face of the challenge from the Soviet Union in the late 1970s.

Getting down to tactics, how can Al-Qaeda overcome the West with horror? Let us suppose that some state or state agency over which Al-Qaeda wields influence possesses a weapon of mass destruction, with sufficient potency to cause a very large number of deaths in a Western country. If it deploys that weapon and causes a very large number of casualties, the West may have no choice but to bombard the offending country with nuclear weapons and destroy its capacity to make war. Given that Al-Qaeda has tendrils deep in numerous governments, even a nuclear bombardment of one rogue state might not diminish its capacities. The West would be left with the horrific fact of mass destruction of civilians combined with continued insecurity.
Time is on the side of Al-Qaeda. Sir John's strategic advice is dangerously wrong. He wrote on October 8 that "President Bush in his speech to his nation and to the Western world yesterday, promised a traditional Western response. He warned that there would be 'a relentless accumulation of success'. Relentlessness, as opposed to surprise and sensation, is the Western way of warfare. It is deeply injurious to the Oriental style and rhetoric of war-making."

On the contrary, the West should think of itself as the underdog, fighting against the clock, and seize the tactical initiative. It should act unpredictably, with the objective of confusing and disrupting an enemy who until now has chosen his targets at leisure. Rather than batter Afghanistan, whence any terrorist worth his Cemtex departed long ago, the West should act unexpectedly and without mercy against states which allow Al-Qaeda. There is no need to go into details here. Doing so now offers at least the chance of gaining the respect of the Islamic world. Failing to do so makes probable a gradual accumulation of failures. It means that the war will be Al-Qaeda's to lose.

We were lucky with Hitler. We may not be so lucky again.
37 posted on 04/26/2004 10:23:11 AM PDT by tpaine (In their arrogance, a few infinitely shrewd imbeciles attempt to lay down the 'law' for all of us.)
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To: tpaine
Thanks for posting.

I think though that the article fully deserves its own thread. Do you mind posting in it full?

42 posted on 04/26/2004 10:34:25 AM PDT by Eurotwit
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To: tpaine
The West would be left with the horrific fact of mass destruction of civilians combined with continued insecurity.

Should it come to that, so be it! Hundreds of millions died in the 20th Century (many for a far less noble cause)! I only would hope that the means of distruction not make the affected surface of the earth barren and uninhabitable for thousands of years! Misguided masses who cling to a belief that their view of the "path to the hereafter" must be forced upon ALL are the enemy of ALL (whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian, etc.)!!!

48 posted on 04/26/2004 11:04:21 AM PDT by ExSES
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To: tpaine; JasonC; All
I just had to repost this gem posted by JasonC on that old thread from 2001:

This article has the merit of being interesting because of the issues it addresses. It has the failing that the author's ideas about those interesting subjects are almost entirely wrong. And it began with a misunderstanding of Keegan's original point, about culturally different ways of war. It is worth examining some of these issues in detail.
First, he reduces Keegan's point about the "western way of war" vs. others to upright westerner vs. underhanded oriental. Which is a gross misunderstanding - although that stereotype within the west did reflect such impressions, from the western attitudes towards war. In terms of such ways of fighting, others appear cowardly because they do not seek to decide the issue in pitched battle, without reserve. And they appear unscrupulous, because they do not obey ritualized western forms of procedure and honor, that the west uses to isolate and contain the destabilization its form of war creates.

From the other side, the western way of war appears idiotic in its formulas and restraints, hypocritical because those are combined with great violence in head to head confrontation, not with a tender humanitarianism others associate with all such rules, and shockingly arrogant rather than brave, in seeking to directly overthrow the enemy's will to resist, in a decisive clash.

The non-western way of war seeks to contain the destabilization war causes by avoiding direct and decisive clashes between the warriors, and their wills, which are implicitly assumed to be constant or unshakeable. It does not seek to contain war in time, with ritual declarations of war and peace, and regards war as a normal or background condition between rival human groups. And it does not seek to contain those effected by war, through distinctions between combatants and non-combatants, and "chivalrous" limitations on violence employed toward the defenseless.

There is more mutual respect and less confrontation between the warriors, who "butt heads" by strategem and cleverness, and then grant each other "space" based on proved dangerousness. While there is less respect for non-warriors and less restraint in dealing with them. Battles are typically less violent and decisive, and treatment of non-warriors typically far more cruel. In fact, cruelty to the defenseless becomes a kind of ritual of demonstrated resolve, acted out (more on that below). Warriors act politically on non-warriors at least as much as against the warriors of a rival society.

Which strikes westerners, used to norms of chivalry instead, as shockingly evil. The western way of war isolates the warriors from the civilians, and regards them as champions sent forth to ritually decide the struggle. The struggle between the rival groups of warriors is, however, face to face and total, until one group of champions loses its will or ability to fight. The respect between rival warriors is dramatically less, and even if felt is rigorously suppressed as long as the issue remains in doubt. While respect for the defenseless is ritually acted out, even if not sincerely felt.

These are real cultural differences. They show up in battlefield tactics (charge home vs. harass at range e.g.) but are not limited to tactics. They are differences in the role and place of war in the different cultures. Keegan thinks it is obvious that in a determined head to head confrontation the will behind the western way, united as we currently are, will scattered the harassing expectations of our enemies. He is probably right, though perhaps too complacent about both the risks involved and about how much will really be settled thereby.

The usual outcome of such confrontations is that the western way wins, but cannot achieve "pacification" as a result, leading to an end state of low level, endemic warfare against a locally successful western side. The western way expects the warriors of the other side to at some point, usually after being scattered in direct confrontation, to admit defeat and make their peace. Historically this was done to avoid the enemy military doing what it liked to the civilian populace (e.g. sacking a city), but this has become so ritualized in the west that armies rarely do anything to such civilians anymore, after conventional victory. Since the enemy regards war as normal, evading battle not as defeat but as mere strategem, and does not have the same attitude about leaving its own civilians "defenseless", this western expectation is usually disappointed.

It is true that contemporary Islamic radicalism and terrorist violence has ideological roots in the west, and especially in varied strands of fascist thought - in Sorel, Nietzsche, the "jargon of authenticity", ultramontanism, etc. Similar propaganda lines - anti-semitism, anti-capitalism and communism both, anti-liberalism, denouncing moral degeneracy, dreams of reviving thousand year old dead empires, exploiting shame and foreign policy impotence, pretending internal justice will result from total dedication against an outside enemy, denouncing all others as lackies of foreign powers or hidden conspiracies - are used. In some cases contemporary Islamic parties are direct descendents of fascist organizations of the 1930s. But this does not mean they have adopted the western way of war, and indeed many elements of fascism were themselves eastern imports, stemming from colonial experiences, eastern pantheist philosophies, etc.

Next the writer makes a number of innaccurate or far fetched statements about WW II, and then about earlier traditional societies. While remote from the previous, I will address them, because they are serious distortions getting in the way of the general argument. He asks if the US would have declared war on Germany had Germany not done so first, and the answer is definitely yes.

The US was maneuvering for war with Germany for a year and a half prior to actual entry, and the US navy was already fighting German U-boats in the Atlantic. US industry was already providing Britain war material. And the military staffs were already involved in joint war planning for eventual US entry, which the president was actively seeking occasion for. Then you ask would Germany have lost without us, and the answer is probably yes as things went. The Russians had them beaten before the second front became important, and the UK would have been supporting them regardless. It is also academic because of the previous point - there never was anything the Germans could do that would keep us out or beat us when we came in. Then you ask if a failure of the British at Dunkirk would have changed everything, and the answer is no, because the Germans still wouldn't have made it across the channel. It was the air force and navy that stopped them, not the men brought off at Dunkirk. As for what if the Nazis had treated the Ukrainians as allies, they wouldn't have been Nazis if they did, and non-Nazis wouldn't have attacked in the first place. Depopulating the Ukraine to resettle it with so-called teutons was the primary German war aim. Incidentally, they still did get 100,000 "Hiwis" to fight for them, even with their policy of mass murder, but they didn't make any difference. They had plenty of axis minor manpower as it was, what they didn't have was more tanks than the Russians fielded. All of that is a giant aside, however.

Next the writer claims that "no traditional society destroyed for the pleasure of destruction", which is simply false. The word "vandal", which means exactly that, is the name of a traditional society. The reputation of the Huns or Mongols were not undeserved. Tamurlane built pyramids of skulls, going even further than the Mongol practice of exterminating any city that resisted rather than surrendering, and doing it even to surrendering cities. The ordinary practice of war in the ancient mediterrean was to kill all the men and sell the women and children into slavery at the conclusion of a successful seige - unless disorganized "sacking" had already gone even further. The evil of destruction for its own sake is as old as recorded history; it is acting otherwise that was a civilized innovation.

Next the writer says, almost as an aside, that the west "drove back" Islamic incursions and "broke the back" of "Islamic power". This is seriously misleading if not outright false. Islam broke up internally for domestic reasons, due to inability to solve the related problems of legitimate succession and loyalty of the army to the ruler. Long before the Crusades, even. If this internal breakup still does not amount to a "broken back", then one can clearly identify the incident that destroyed the power even of the disorganized states of Islam, and it wasn't done by the west. It was done by the Mongols, who smashed the Islamic near east, from Afghanistan to Syria, in the 1200s. Or if "Islamic power" is supposed to survive that, in the remnant form of the Ottoman Empire, that was eventually destroyed by the British along with the Arabs.

Lack of internal unity had more to do with the eclipse of the empire once held by the unified caliphate than anything the west did alone. This is not without present interest, because Bin Laden's ideology is based on lies about this process, because his school of thought is unwilling to admit that any political problems would remain among Muslims themselves, except those caused by supposedly outside influences. This is a theological dogma to him, and thus immune to factual refutation. It must be so because he needs it to be so, and therefore he directs lies and uses of power toward making it as retroactively "true" as he can, like Stalin airbrushing Trotsky out of photographs.

The writer is correct that the goal of Bin Laden and company is the destruction of the west, and the US in particular, and that he doesn't care in the least if millions of Muslims die in the process. But he is wrong that he wants no territory or conversions. He wants to rule the world, or for those who agree with him to rule the world, even long after his own death. The destruction of the west is merely a necessary means to that end, in his mind.

People seriously underestimate his ambitions (as when they think he only wants the US out of Saudi, which is just a propaganda line for fellow travellers). Probably because those ambitions seem sufficiently insane, or perhaps sufficiently threatening, that they seem unthinkable. But they are not unthinkable. Bin Laden looks forward to a time when proliferated nuclear weapons in everyone's hands have been used hundreds or thousands of times, when no great cities remain on earth, when the west is an irradiated ruin that has dissolved internally into tiny and competing, desperate mini-states. Islam the religion will still be there, he believes, and its followers will eventually conquer, because only they will remain completely united by the promise and will of God (see the lie about unity, above). His favorite boast is that Islam lived to see the Soviet Union dissolve, and it will live to see the US dissolve too; he constantly claims the Soviets were the stronger of the two (he thinks that because it was more ruthless - see below), so the US should be easy by comparison.

Evil for its own sake predates Christianity. You can find as refined a diabolism as you please in the jungles of the Yucatan, or on the coast of the Levant in the time of Abraham, or in murder cults in India, or Uganda. The desire to destroy what one cannot possess is certainly involved in recruitment to radical Islam, but so are ordinary bigotry, dislike of western secularism and libertinism, wounded pride, crazy conspiracy theories, and decades of refined anti-western propaganda ginned up by leftists. The most characteristic comment you will see in the Arab press explaining the attraction of Bin Laden to Islamic radicals is simply that he has taken on and humiliated the most powerful empire in history. They admire his audacity, his unwillingness to be cowed by western power, his resistence to seduction by western enticements - and see all of these as evidence of strength of will, which they worship with a crawling servitude, feeling the submerging of their own will in his evil projects as a participation in that perceived strength, instead of a conquest by it. All of which is familiar enough from the history of fascism.

As for the pretended magical power of horror, it is the oldest kind of superstitious evil thought, the one behind every tradition of human sacrifice throughout the ancient world. People imagine that by conquering their own instincts, they call forth a magical response from the nature of the world itself, and that therein lies the secret of power. As Chesterton put it, "pretty soon a man deliberately sets out to do the most disgusting thing he can think of." The writer basically agrees with this superstitious notion, and hardly recognizes what this makes of his own moral philosophy.

The reality is there is no special power to be had, in cruelty. It simply makes more enemies, and more determined ones. A craven enough people might be stunned into silence by fiendishness, but courage is not so scarce a thing as this view would have it. The Nazis, to take the writer's won example, did not "almost succeed" because they were more evil than others. On the contrary, they went to war with 5/6ths of the world and predictably lost. The ranks of their enemies were swelled, unified, and made more resolute in action, by their evil. Tamurlane left nothing; the Kymer Rouge left nothing; the Rwandan Hutus left nothing; nothing but bones and ruins. Nor is it true that only the same can fight them - the Russians were as frightful as you please and no longer in Afghanistan. The parts of the world that subscribe to this maxim about the innate power of evil are the poorest and least powerful places on earth, because evil does not produce strength but disunity, opposition, destruction of means, and thus weakness. As Plato explained long ago, even a band of robbers can only succeed through internal justice, not injustice. People continually try to extricate themselves from the resulting morass through more and more determined evil, because they remain as superstitiously deluded on the subject as the writer of this piece. So is Bin Laden.

Nor is the west vunerable to horror. When engaged in face to face war, the west drinks horror like wine and dishes it out in industrial quantities. Waterloo, Gettysburg, Verdun and the Somme, Stalingrad, the Hurtgen forest, Okinawa, to say nothing of Hamburg, Tokyo, and Hiroshima, saw more horror per square yard or per minute than anything the Islamic world has ever experienced, at least since Tamurlane and in some cases ever. Only the Iran-Iraq war, or the war in Afghanistan against the Russians - both in the 1980s - are even in the same league.

Some find the horror of western war incomprehensible, some find it monstrous, some envy it - in the rest of the world - but only in refined, polite, western cities is the west thought of as particularly delicate, rather than particularly warlike and unusually victorious. Westerners tend to forget that what people see first and foremost about us is that the US and Britain have lost perhaps one war apiece in more than two centuries, while fighting more than almost any other societies in world history. They think of us as ruling military powers first, and as decadents a distant second (though our supposed moral decadence makes our military victories seem like outrages). Indeed, they see claims about western delicacy as outright hypocrasy, not paying much attention to our cultural nuances about who starts things, justifications of war, generousity to the defeated, peace as the ordinary condition of men, etc, because those are mostly lacking in their own military culture.

The lesson that the US military took from Vietnam was to stick to the western goal of overwhelming victory, without limitations of means, sanctuaries, etc. Those ritual aspects of typical western strategy were avoided in Vietnam in an attempt to prevent escalation to a general war with communism. Present doctrine, often associated with Powell who merely stated it publicly, is focused on unlimited commitment to achieve total victory, as the only way of keeping the populace on board. The champion clash rituals have to be observed, and for them to prove decisive requires definite military goals, no sanctuaries, etc. Other forms of low level and ongoing struggle are relegated to below media coverage, using proxies, special and intelligence operations, diplomacy, etc, precisely because the western way of war requires certain ground rules for employing conventional military force. Actions that do not fit that way of fighting will not be supported indefinitely. It was not "horror" that detached the American people from supporting the war in Vietnam (only a few cafe intellectuals reacted that way), but indecisiveness, the sense of futility and endlessness involved in the purely defensive strategy employed.

Bin Laden is not expecting us to crumble through weakness of stomach, he expects to triumph eventually through the physical destruction of our cities, people, and means of living as we do. He thinks things of the spirit are in the long run stronger than any material forces, and underestimates us as spiritual and political enemies. If it takes hundreds of years of continual WMD terrorism to dissolve the west, so be it. All you have to do is listen to what he regards as important when talking to his followers, and this is clear. He says it is the duty of all Muslims to kill Americans, and the duty of all Muslims to try to acquire WMDs.

He thinks if these propositions are accepted by most Muslims and acted upon, the rest is just a matter of time. Since he thinks eventual "victory" is destined, anyway. He does not care in the least how much of the world is a smoking ruin when that "victory" arrives; he has no stake in progress, technology, wealth - all mere material things of the ephemeral world. His contemporary terrorist attacks are meant to show it can be done, to stand as propaganda posters for our vunerability, and to "inspire" future terrorists to get on with it. If he can convince most Muslims their duty and destiny is to kill all of us who will not submit to them as God's agents on earth, by every means attainable, then he thinks he will eventually win. He is really quite exactly that nuts, and those who consider him a hero are swept away by what they see as the strength of will and grandeur of thought in these murderous fantasies.

As Burke once put it, "nothing can be conceived more hard than the heart of a thoroughbred metaphysican. It comes nearer to the cold malignity of a wicked spirit than to the frailty and passion of a man...They are ready to declare, that they do not think two thousand years too long a period for the 'good' they pursue. It is remarkable, that they never see any way to their projected 'good' but by the road of some evil. Their imagination is not fatigued by the contemplation of human suffering through the wild waste of centuries added to centuries of misery and desolation. Their humanity is at their horizon - and like the horizon, it always flies before them."

The superiority of the chivalrous way of war, which includes direct confrontation undertaken with what Keegan rightly calls "appalling violence"; and the superiority of justice and political discrimination over superstitious cruelty and ruthlessness in generating power, will be amply demonstrated in the coming confrontation. Bin Laden and his followers are certainly a dangerous enemy, and their goals are not as narrow as some still seem to think, but they are no more dangerous than many we have seen off successfully before. We will fight their disgusting ideas with attractive ones, their focus on civilian targets with a focus on their warriors, their superstitious ruthlessness with a unifying justice that will bring most of the world in against them.

And then we will be relentless and in their face as they try to temporize and hide in shadows and avoid direct confrontation. In all of which, more and more people in their own part of the world will see weakness, shiftlessness, irresolute bluster, and impotent rage in their whole position. We are going to humilitate them thoroughly. And that, too, was part of Keegan's point - that whether they like it or not, they and those watching them will regard their evasions and avoidance of our strength as humiliating, not as any clever strategem. The western way of war rests on an underlying fact about human nature and political conflict which is as true in their part of the world as in ours. They can pretend to be as indifferent to honor as they please, the truth remains that men are recruited to political struggles by questions of honor. That is what he meant when he said this will be "deeply injurious to the Oriental style and rhetoric of war-making". He knows what he is talking about.

49 posted on 04/26/2004 11:12:33 AM PDT by Eurotwit
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