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1 posted on 04/25/2004 5:24:11 AM PDT by AntiGuv
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To: AntiGuv
Deja Vu, never fight a war wearing handcuffs, don't broadcast your intentions, just do it, lets roll.
2 posted on 04/25/2004 5:32:33 AM PDT by boomop1
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To: AntiGuv
Just get al-Sadr.

He's caused a lot of heartache, anxiety and misery around these parts.

3 posted on 04/25/2004 5:44:05 AM PDT by Allegra (Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, MUSHROOM!)
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To: AntiGuv
I don't know, I still don't see this happening. this is the place where we risk a flash point and a broader uprising. the other shia clerics can take care of sadr.
5 posted on 04/25/2004 5:59:31 AM PDT by oceanview
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To: AntiGuv



"Unless a man becomes the enemy of evil, he will not even become its slave, but rather its champion. God Himself will not help us to ignore evil but only to defy and to defeat it!" G. K. Chesterton.

In an outrageous attack upon Christian leaders facing the lie of Islam with the Word of God, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) issued a public rebuke, sharply criticizing "derogatory statements" made by some evangelical leaders concerning Islam. The National Association of Evangelicals represents more than 43,000 congregations in the United States of America. Specifically, the NAE named Franklin Graham, Dr. Jerry Vines, and the Revs. Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson as chief culprits who must learn to temper their speech concerning Islam.

This is shocking! The NAE wants to take the one offensive weapon we Christians have in our arsenal, the Word of God, and replace it with - dialogue? That's right! The truth of God's Word is being replaced with tolerance, appeasement, common ground, reaching across the aisle, pragmatism, and negotiation. "Can't we all just get along?" Of course the answer is, "No! Not when God's Word is the standard."

To be sure, God's Word is confrontational, dividing, judgmental, and absolute, yet it is filled with mercy. Islam, on the other hand, is all of the above, yet it is filled with violence and murder. There is no common ground between these two religions. Islam and Christianity are at war! Neither will tolerate the other.

Unfazed by planes crashing into buildings killing thousands, suicide bombings of countless innocent human beings, mass slaughter of millions of Christians in the Sudan, and violence of unprecedented order, the NAE now wants us to dialogue with the Christ hating false religion of Islam. This spiritually emasculated organization, is espousing that we hide in caves so that we won't be killed by Muslims living out their faith in the streets of our cities. Living out their faith?

The NAE's solution to stop the merciless bloodletting of Islam is to draft guidelines and begin an interfaith dialogue with Islamic leaders. What utter nonsense! Somehow the president of the National Association of Evangelicals, Rev. Ted Haggard, has convinced himself and several others of the good faith of his Islamic counterparts. Haggard is championing the lie of Islam without realizing what it is that he and the NAE are doing.

Ask a simple question, "Why are all terrorists Muslim?" You doubt the premise of the question? Let's just take a look:

  1. 1972 Muslim terrorists kidnap Israelite athletes at Olympics in Munich (14 killed).
  2. 1972 Muslim terrorists overtake U.S. Embassy in Iran.
  3. 1980's Muslim terrorists abduct large numbers of U.S, citizens in Lebanon.
  4. 1983 Muslim terrorists bomb Marine barracks in Beirut (250 U.S. soldiers killed).
  5. 1985 Muslim terrorists commandeer cruise ship Achille Lauro (Mr. Klinghoeffer, a 70 year old paraplegic, was shot to death and pushed overboard in his wheelchair).
  6. 1985 Muslim terrorists seize TWA Flight 847 in Athens (U.S. Navy Seal killed in attempt to rescue passengers).
  7. 1988 Muslim terrorists bomb Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (all souls killed).
  8. 1993 Muslim terrorists bomb the World Trade Center for the first time (6 killed).
  9. 1994 Muslim terrorists begin the mass slaughter (genocide?) of Christians in the Sudan (more than 2 million slaughtered to date).
  10. 1998 Muslim terrorists bomb U.S. Embassies in Kenya, Tanzania, and Nairobi (264 killed and over 4,000 wounded).
  11. 2000 Muslim terrorists bomb U.S.S. Cole (14 killed).
  12. 2001 Muslim terrorists hijack four airliners and crash them into buildings and the ground killing thousands.
  13. 2001 Muslim terrorists call for jihad in Indonesia as Christians are warned to flee the country.
  14. 2002 Muslim terrorists kidnap Martin and Gracia Burnham (along with others) in the Phillipines. Martin was killed in the rescue attempt. Gracia made it home.
  15. 2002 Muslim terrorists defeated in Afghanistan by strong arm of United States Military.
  16. 2002 Muslim terrorists kidnap and ruthlessly slash the throat of journalist Daniel Pearl.
  17. 2002 Black Muslim terrorist John Mohammed kills twelve in a cold-blooded 21-day killing spree near Washington, D.C. He was suspected of throwing a grenade into a tent housing 16 soldiers in Gulf War in 1991.
  18. 2002 Muslim terrorists bomb a Jewish owned hotel in Kenya (16 killed, 80 injured).
  19. 2002 Muslim terrorists bomb a night club in Bali where many westerners were present (182 killed).
  20. 2003 Black Muslim terrorist SGT Asan Akbar of the 101st Airborne rolls a grenade into the barracks of sleeping soldiers (kills 2 and wounds 12).
  21. 2003 Muslim terrorists convicted of plotting to bomb a Christmas market in Strasbourg, Germany.
  22. 2003 Muslim terrorists bomb US-Saudi company and three residential areas where westerners live in Saudi Arabia (at least 50 injured, many died).
  23. 2003 Muslim terrorists bomb Jewish and western targets in Casablanca (41 killed).
  24. 2003 Muslim terrorists bombard Israel on a daily basis with assaults of unprecedented order.

    What do all of these recorded instances of sheer violence and evil have in common? Islam! Why are all these terrorists Muslim? Their false and murderous religion demands them to be so. There is no escaping the link between terrorism and the Islamic faith. Islam is a lie birthed in the very pit of hell that must be defeated before it destroys everyone who will not bow the knee to Allah and his lying prophet Mohammed.

    Islam must be annihilated, completely. It must be exposed for the lie that it is. Allah is not God and Mohammed is not a prophet of God. Jesus is God, and apart from Him there is no other. Jesus is not tolerant of any other God than Himself, for there is no other God but Him! For the NAE to say anything less is to betray the God of the Holy Scriptures and the 43,000 congregations it represents.

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), upon hearing the NAE's appeasing statement said, "We can understand theological differences, but what's important is that the dialogue is one of respect, not demonization." Dialogue? Sure, Rev. Haggard, you won the accolades of Islam, but you are suffering under the condemnation of heaven. There is nothing Islam would rather do than to dialogue with you while it continues its murderous onslaught. The Word of God demonizes Islam, not Franklin Graham or any of the others.

    For the NAE to take its cues from CAIR, a front organization for Islamic terrorism, is absurd. CAIR is the organization that came up with the politically correct idea that America should no longer be considered a "Judeo-Christian" nation. Why? Because it is offensive to Muslims living in America. Please! CAIR is that "gentle" organization that coined the endearing term "Islamophobia," and is presently suing American Airlines for wrongfully profiling "middle eastern" looking men.

    Wrongfully profiling? One doesn't have to look too long at the statistics to realize that 98.7% of all hijackings from 1970 to this day were done by "middle eastern" looking men who were all (100% of them) Muslim terrorists. CAIR says it's just not fair to be demonized by the Word of God. Too bad! Unfortunately the NAE wants to jump on that "politically correct" ship that is going to sink into eternal damnation.

    We have three choices in dealing with Islam. We will either be killed by those holding to its murderous tenets, kill them (like we are doing in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.), or convert them to Christ. Which one do you choose?

    Flip Benham



8 posted on 04/25/2004 6:40:42 AM PDT by Happy2BMe (U.S.A. - - United We Stand - - Divided We Fall - - Support Our Troops - - Vote BUSH)
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To: AntiGuv
Prayer for our boys.
10 posted on 04/25/2004 6:44:36 AM PDT by DoctorMichael (The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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To: AntiGuv
"We're going to drive this guy into the dirt."


12 posted on 04/25/2004 7:07:50 AM PDT by blam
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To: AntiGuv
Put your seat belts ON ....
14 posted on 04/25/2004 8:22:20 AM PDT by traumer
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To: AntiGuv
Shiite leaders have warned of a possible explosion of anger among the country's Shiite majority . . .

Yeah, like the explosion of anger from the Arab "street" if we invaded Iraq.

18 posted on 04/25/2004 8:43:12 AM PDT by Oatka
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To: AntiGuv; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; TEXOKIE; Alamo-Girl; windchime; Grampa Dave; anniegetyourgun; ..

...Violence across the country flared Saturday, killing 33 Iraqis in various attacks and four U.S. soldiers whose base was hit by two rockets north of Baghdad.

On Sunday, a rocket hit near a hospital in the northern city of Mosul, killing three people — including two women working at the hospital — doctors said. Elsewhere the city, a mortar hit a residential area, killing one Iraqi.

In Baghdad, a roadside bomb hit a U.S. military convoy in an eastern neighborhood, setting a Humvee on fire. Witnesses reported U.S. casualties, but there was no immediate confirmation from the military.

Meanwhile, U.S. military officials in the Gulf were trying to determine the launching point of an unprecedented suicide boat attack on two offshore oil terminals that are the sole outlet of Iraqi crude from the south. The attacks, using explosive-packed dhows, killed two U.S. Navy sailors and forced the shutdown of the two terminals for several hours.

The new steps in Najaf and Fallujah came after President Bush held a conference call Saturday with his top commander in the Middle East, Gen. John Abizaid, over the situation in Iraq.

U.S. commanders have been threatening a full-scale offensive to take Fallujah and uproot insurgents unless guerrillas hand over their heavy weapons within days.

But a new assault would revive bloody fighting that killed hundreds of Iraqis this month (opinion passes for news at AP...and AP won't mention the news - stubborn facts - the thousands of children saved this month by OUR troops, and last year - an estimated 5000 per month died BECAUSE of Saddam Hussein. Our troops removed Iraq's #1 evildoer, brought the children needed medicine, food, clean water...and our troops killed enemies that once (and still) brutally murdered and tortured Iraqi children).

Fallujah - Al-Hassani told The Associated Press that joint U.S.-Iraqi patrols would begin in the city on Tuesday, when orders will be issued forbidding Fallujah residents from carrying weapons in the streets.

Najaf - Hertling said the move aimed to tighten the clampdown on radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his militia.

"It's not going to be large-scale fighting, the likes of other places, but it's going to be critical," he said. "We're going to drive this guy into the dirt."

"Either he tells his militia to put down their arms, form a political party and fight with ideas not guns — or he's going to find a lot of them killed," he said.

Also, an Army reservist missing in Iraq since a convoy attack April 9 was confirmed dead. The remains of Sgt. Elmer Krause, 40, were found Friday, according to a statement Saturday from the Department of Defense. It gave no other details. Another soldier and a U.S. contract worker abducted in the same attack remain unaccounted for.


Iraq news recap, with apologies for posting AP.

Sunday rest day, few graphics....

Prayers going out for the families of our fallen Soldier in the Baghdad IED attack, our two Sailors - and a member of the Coast Guard - hit by lowlifes using boats packed with explosives.

Prayers for the friends and loved ones of Sgt. Elmer Krause, now confirmed dead.

May God protect our Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guard, Guard, Reserve, civilian, coalition and native allies, comfort those who mourn, defeat this enemy!

Roadside Bomb Kills U.S. Soldier In Baghdad


21 posted on 04/25/2004 12:14:45 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("Evil is out there, and evil wishes to attack us." - Lt. Gen. J Vines, commander, 18th Airborne Corp)
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To: AntiGuv
Time to get tough and stay tough....
Are any wishy/washy, dippos at the State Department and/or White House getting the message?

Roll-on , Roll-over'em
23 posted on 04/25/2004 12:23:19 PM PDT by pointsal
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To: AntiGuv
As far as Fallujah is's now been days.

As post number 4 HERE says, time to resolve it once and for all.

31 posted on 04/25/2004 3:29:10 PM PDT by Jeff Head
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To: AntiGuv
Cool surround the major citys and put them in lock down. Allow selected ones to transport food and meds. Their used to prison under Sadaam. Must be the prison mentality. Let the citys seeth. Only ones in or out are one verified by lie detector. A lot of info couldbe gained.

33 posted on 04/25/2004 8:17:46 PM PDT by hosepipe
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