To: Pearls Before Swine
I liked my "best line" because it made a point that for some reason people don't want to make. As soon as the statue fell, the mainstream press set about to make the presence or absence of WMD a big issue. I remember asking my somewhat liberal brother "Who freaking cares?" But everyone has gone on and on like it matters. For cryin' out loud, we knew he had 'em, he used 'em, so if they're not there he must have shipped 'em out or destroyed 'em. So?
It's like if you go to Edison, NJ now and go to the Ford plant which closed 3-6 months ago. If you walk through the plant you won't see any cars or trucks or components, so a mainstream press idiot would say "See, see, you can't prove they made cars or trucks here!" Meanwhile all of the underground assembly line equipment is still there, lots of the tool and die stuff that could only be used to make cars, and other evidence. How stupid can people be? Thankfully, "the right half" that Steyn refers to isn't that stupid.
To: litany_of_lies
I liked my "best line" because...I agree that your "best" selection makes a very good point--and one I've made myself in the past. I'm just praising Steyn--often there's enough material for several favorites. And, Kerry's SUV is new material. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson