I mean I'm allergic to sulfur drugs some people die from bee stings,some people die from penicillin and I can die from grapefruit or it's juice. Now the substance has to get in the person's system somehow.
But the point is that people with special problems are going to have to learn how to cope with them. If it is a child then it's the parents responsibility.If it is an adult then it's their responsibility not the government or your neighbor or the rest of the world.
I mean we have to be realistic if we do away with all medicines and all the food items that some portion of the population is allergic to we would all die. There are several hundred people ,adults and children who die each year from electrical shock. Now we got by for thousands of years without electricity.
Are you going to call the power company and have your power turned off or,are you going to use child guard caps and watch your children? If we want to be a free society we have to be able to accept personnel responsibility.