To: Darksheare
We know he's crazy, but have you read any credible reports about having tertiary syphilis??
Just curious.
89 posted on
04/22/2004 12:14:28 PM PDT by
Bon mots
To: Bon mots
Heard it mentioned back a couple years ago when his father was still alive and he was out in his car running down pedestrians. (I was 15 or so at the time. I'm 28 now.)
Whether or not it's documented and was credible, I dunno.
But given his behavior...
I wouldn't doubt it.
If it is documented and he really is, as I heard him referred to, a 'Syphillitic pretender' to the Kim Il Sung 'throne' - then there's gotta be someone somewhere who knows what it is in reference to and where the document/article is.
In short- I'm basically referring to something I heard in ages past.
/ admission
91 posted on
04/22/2004 12:26:02 PM PDT by
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