But since you are so well informed, you have an obligation to post summaries of info, so the less priviliged can understand this significant event in our history. You know that we would really appreciate your sharing.
So here is the truth about one aspect, John Doe II.
It appears that is was Clinton's Jamie Gorelick (still wearing her knee pads?) who put out the story that John Doe #2 was really a soldier named, Todd Bunting. You see Todd Bunting and Michael Hertig rented a Ryder truck from Elliot's Body Shop in Junction City (Kansas), the day after Tim McVeigh -- all alone and nobody within miles of him -- rented his truck. The stupid flyoverland average citizen working at Elliot's was confused dispite what the poor devil says. Employees of goverment in Washington D.C. have wisdom far beyond mere mortals and they know. Ms Gorelick was merely correcting the Elliot's employee's careless mistake. All is well. Can we just moveon?
Those other flyover country bumkins who saw John Doe II? Well, you know.. what can I say? Ms Gorelick of Washington has given us the answer. We should be grateful that she took the time away from what was probably her main duty.