I didn't say it was a general uprising right now - I said we have to be concerned that it becomes one, because if it does, we are in big trouble.
...and I believe the best way to keep it from becoming anything similar to that is to act decisively against the Ba'athists, Islamic extremeists and against the terrorists and interlopers from outside Iraq who are stirring the pot. We have a perfct opportunity to demonstrate that in Fallujah, where they have brought it on themselves.
The Iraqi people who are going to stand for freedom need to see it...they need to know we are not going to turn tale and run, or negotiate with these animials...they need to know we are wholly committed beside them. BTW, tens of thousands of them are standing and fighting with us (and unfortunately some are running too, which is what the media focuses on)...but as many or more Iraqis are being killed by these animals as Americans.