One of the first 911 victims, who filed a lawsuit against the US government regarding the Sep 11th attacks. She became famous worldwide, when she was interviewed by Phil Donahue (. Breitwieser appeared at the second 911-Hearings and gave various interviews, which had been hidden in US-Papers. She supported an independent 911-Commission In October 2002, the NY Post released a letter of her to the editor: "In fact, to limit the scope and duration of a commission so that it cannot thoroughly examine fault, to limit its subpoena power so that information and answers are not forthcoming, and to insist upon having the president nominate the chairman, who will control the commission's agenda, smacks of "paralysis and politics." The Sept. 11 families and this country deserve nothing less than the unfettered truth. After Sept. 11, the preservation of life should supplant politics."
After Henry Kissinger resigned in December 2002 as head of the 911-commission, she reaffirmed her "belief that the commission needs to be pure, transparent and purely independent."
That explains some ..