Right out of the dictionary - not an insurance term. Though if you want to play that game, then you might check your facts next time you want to demonize someone, because for insurance terms it's different from state to state. Competing versions of terminal? Or just different standards for different companies as opposed to the definition which means it causes death. Thusly, I spoke properly And so did the doctor. And I had to be taken to the hospital by my Boss in december due to the dehydrating effects of the disease.
For you're friends who can't read for themselves either, Congenital Nystagmus Is not lazy eye. Nor was it equated with a lazy eye. Nor can it be mistaken for lazy eye. It is a nerve related problem in tracking which causes the eyes to jerk at times uncontrollably. When it happens, it is like seeing 5 of 10 frames of a movie - disjointed. Causes loss of depth perception, inability to focus, etc. In driving a car, if it acts up, it turns blind spots into walls and puts others at risk from the loss of ability to percieve depth or focus on anything seen or maintain direction of view. On a motorcycle, if it happens, it is easy to get off the road and out of everyone's way without risk.
And a last thing, Athsmatic Bronchitis weakened my system and damaged my lungs at a young age. That contributed to the situation in best estimation - nobody said it caused it in and of itself. As many of you are good at doing, decietfully twisting in argumentation you'll say anything, even to the point of personally attacking a guy who has a disease apparently because you can't argue the point that was proffered. Now I'm taking my ill self back to bed. I think I've been savaged by decietful liars enough for a while.