To: Jim Robinson
I was thinking that the other night, after the Pittsburg-Gazette(?) cut off our posting privileges.
A quick rewrite of salient points contained in an article wouldn't be infringing on copyright laws. It would also keep the size of articles down to a bare minimum.
151 posted on
04/08/2004 10:28:02 PM PDT by
Reagan Man
(The choice is clear. Reelect BUSH-CHENEY !)
To: Torie; ambrose; Kuksool
161 posted on
04/08/2004 10:30:12 PM PDT by
To: Reagan Man
And maybe, just maybe, we will then help spur more original content here at FR. That would be cool...
165 posted on
04/08/2004 10:31:08 PM PDT by
Chad Fairbanks
(I havn't seen my therapist in 5 years. Neither has anyone else ;0))
To: Reagan Man
Excerpting never bugged me, and for them clicks equals cash.
The more frequent "registration" page seems to my bias to be a left wing publication thing?
Any indication of other sites having the same issues?
Is the list primarliy left wing?
Google caches the goods...But
It does hurt to not have the nice database here, though.
The ones that seem extreme and silly are the "no excerpt" folks. Seems extremely shortsighted.
217 posted on
04/08/2004 10:50:20 PM PDT by
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