...In the Republican stronghold of Cincinnati, Kerry touted his pledge to create 10 million new jobs if elected. His rally was interrupted by about a dozen people near the front of the crowd who shouted and clapped flip-flops above their heads - a reference to Republican claims that Kerry has changed his position on Iraq, taxes and other issues.As his supporters shouted at the protesters to go home, Kerry said they were "rude" and sought to turn the flip-flopper label back onto Bush. He said Bush had broken promises to create jobs and fund education and had changed his position on whether national security adviser Condoleezza Rice should testify before the Sept. 11 commission.
"I can run through the long list of broken promises of this president," Kerry said. "I mean, you want to talk about flips and flops."
Broken promises? Heck, John Kerry is on record VOTING for and against the same policy time and time again depending on which party was in power.
Then there are his admissions of committing war crimes himself when he was in Vietnam (a charge he now claims was the words of "an angry young man"). Did he lie about the military to our government and the press in a time of war providing aid and comfort to the enemy or is he an unindicted war criminal. Or may he is both?!!