Unfortunately, New Jersey is fully owned and operated by the education mafia and was long ago shot down the liberal toilet, gone forever. I am happy to let the place be a magnet for the homosexuals, socialists, gun grabbers, athiests and all the rest of the liberal creeps - - sort of the San Fransicko of the East.
Pennsylvania, on the other hand, still has hope. Although the major parasite nests (Philadelphia and Pittsburgh) have been infecting their immediate suburbs with Democrats fairly steadily, the great expanses of normal, working, traditional families still provide enough clout to elect a true conservative. Witness Rick Santorum. Toomey is very much like Santorum and I thought he made a remarkable showing in the recent debate.
Conservatives in this state get up in droves to vote for real conservatives. Many a pollster has been thoroughly shnookered in Pennsylvania. Ask Barbara Hafer.
Specter is in deep, deep trouble.