Most of the pine killed in the fire 1½ years ago has got blue stain fungus; reducing it's value by 50%. The small diameter trees have got saprot fungus and are too rotten to process, so the only thing that will be worth harvesting will be the trees that are still partially green (dying) and the larger trees (old growth).
The enviro's can now rightly claim that the salvage is cutting green trees and old growth, a judge will side with them, and the USFS will study it for another year and a half. Most people in southern Oregon/Northern California have already written this off. I seriously doubt there will ever be any trees harvested from this burn.
Salvage on 5% of 500,000 burned acres. Insanity in Full Bloom...
Very good insight. I wonder if Waskley Wabbit Wyden knew this when he made the request.