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To: Jim Robinson
Why not change the posting and display process as follows:

1. Posters copy and paste the original article in a window as usual. This archives the article in its original form. However this will not display on the thread, unless a "display archived article for comparison" link is clicked. The article is displayed for reading and commenting, though, in this way . . .

2. ALL articles are displayed only from their original URL source, in either a frame or popup window. If the original article is removed from the URL address, readers can click on the "display archived article . . ." link to read it.

Bingo. The sources get all the hits as they want. And the archiving is for historical record purposes only. And the intent is always demonstrably there to continue to give the source its hits.

57 posted on 04/03/2004 11:42:49 AM PST by In_25_words_or_less (It's more of a guideline than a rule ;o)
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To: In_25_words_or_less; Jim Robinson
One more thought occurs to me...some less well-hosted sources don't want an overwhelming number of hits. Many an interesting and obscure source of information (well, sometimes it's information) that gets approved for, for instance, is shut down by the subsequent popularity. It happens so often there is a specialized vocabulary for the phenomenon in the forums there that I've heard used more than once IRL.
66 posted on 04/04/2004 11:47:41 AM PDT by Triple Word Score (Meretriciousness Everywhere.)
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