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Pesticides, Precursors, and Petulance (Iraq’s WMDs)
The American Thinker ^
| April 2nd, 2004
| Douglas Hanson
Posted on 04/02/2004 12:05:40 PM PST by Anti-Bubba182
click here to read article
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I guess if they did not find Nerve Gas or Bio Weapons in artillery shells or bombs, not to mention Nukes they would not be satisfied. I have never heard a satisfactory explaination of how long it would take to make these items with the knowledge and materials they had.
We don't know if they had unique techniques or WMDs of their own design.
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posted on
04/02/2004 12:07:16 PM PST
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(I'd rather be sleeping. Let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep!)
To: Anti-Bubba182
I guess if they did not find Nerve Gas or Bio Weapons in artillery shells or bombs, not to mention Nukes...
The opponents of Bush will never be placated without the discovery of a nuclear warhead. Anything less, even Chem or Bio, is not enough. As a former soldier trained in "CBR", I fear Bio, Chem and Nuke, in that order. The Left are the reverse. A successful biological operation by terrorists, would kill far more people and be undetectable until it is too late, than would a dirty-bomb or even a nuclear explosion.
posted on
04/02/2004 12:27:26 PM PST
( "A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it."...Shane.)
To: Anti-Bubba182; Grampa Dave; Ernest_at_the_Beach
Good find! Thanks for the post.
Gramps and Ernest, do you remember all of the pesticides found during the war?
posted on
04/02/2004 12:29:46 PM PST
(President Bush is a mensch in cowboy boots.<<<Keep Free Republic Free...DONATE TODAY>>>)
To: Anti-Bubba182
It's about time somebody wrote something this well thought out !
The Iraqis set up operations along the old Soviet model (the same model India employs,by the way): the establishment of dual-use facilities.
I think there is still quite a bit of nasty stuff hidden fairly close to Fallujah- (think wasps' nest) - and that is part of the reason there is so much resistance there.
posted on
04/02/2004 12:38:56 PM PST
(So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
To: Anti-Bubba182
Pesticides, Precursors, and Petulance... Yikes!!! It's those dreaded P word again!!! Prevaricators (another P word, eh?) have promptly provoked the proletariat to protest by professing to profit (punily) from the proximate project! Hence, pro and con is pronounced to provide the poor proletariat with a prolixity of presumptions to pretend such profane profiteering is produced to procure and provide proprietary protection by proxy... and all without proof of prior protocol which proscribes the prosecution of progressive taxation!
Wherefore, there is promptly some probable cause to procure or produce the probative facts publico in this procedure, and NOT prohibit a peon's paltry profit margin from producing the process whereby ALL shall proclaim profit sharing pro facto! Or would you prefer pro se probation and promulgated prolicide?
This proceeding is prompted to produce proper product pro forma, and propounded to promote pro rata participation... pro posse suo... pro solido! And if all the proceeing produces pissant profits... PROTEST !!!
posted on
04/02/2004 12:41:33 PM PST
( LOL = Liberals Obey Lucifer !!!)
To: dixiechick2000
To: Anti-Bubba182
Good find!
However, one could pick up a bottle of some bio weapon out of the desert in Iraq and slap a dem in the face with it and it would never make the news.
posted on
04/02/2004 1:08:05 PM PST
(Busybody of Free Republic)
To: Anti-Bubba182
Good article written so even I can understand it. :-) Thanks.
posted on
04/02/2004 1:09:51 PM PST
(The Lord made man before woman to give him time to think of an answer for her first question.)
To: Anti-Bubba182
To: Anti-Bubba182
Thanks for the link. That's a good one, too.
I missed it when it was first posted.
I like Hitchens when he's addressing terrorism.
posted on
04/02/2004 1:24:50 PM PST
(President Bush is a mensch in cowboy boots.<<<Keep Free Republic Free...DONATE TODAY>>>)
To: dixiechick2000; Anti-Bubba182; sharktrager; Ragtime Cowgirl; Grampa Dave; BOBTHENAILER; blam; ...
Really excellent article. I think the chemicals are pretty well described above.
I remember posting a rather innocent article about Springtime in Baghdad and an owner of a nursery made the innocent statement that his nursery plants were not doing well becuse he couldn't afford any pesticides.
IRAQ: Its Springtime in Baghdad
That was as our invading forces kept coming across all the "pesticides" in 55 gallon barrels , that the lefties were saying were nothing, only agriculture chemicals.
posted on
04/02/2004 1:56:31 PM PST
(The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is what they got!!!!)
To: Anti-Bubba182
posted on
04/02/2004 1:59:41 PM PST
To: Anti-Bubba182
Interesting place; last I heard the average pay (or is it median pay?) was $50K.
"Pantex Plant is America's only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility. Located on the High Plains of the Texas Panhandle, 17 miles northeast of Amarillo, Pantex is centered on a 16,000-acre site just north of U. S. Highway 60 in Carson County."
posted on
04/02/2004 2:28:16 PM PST
Maria S
(Assigned parking only...all violators will be towed)
To: Anti-Bubba182
Excellent article. I have been suspicious of Kay's and the ISG's work from a pretty early stage. It just seemd more than passing strange to me that whenever field tests came up positive, ISG tests came up negative. Either the field equipment and training is piss-poor, or something else was going on. That, essentially, is this article's point, and I agree with it.
Here's one way to look at it:
We know the oil-for-food program was one giant scam that enriched many in Iraq, the UN, France, Russia and elsewhere. It can be concluded from this fact that the UN inspections were a sham conducted largely to keep the program going. Since it was in both Saddam's and the UN's financial interests to keep the sanctions in place, Hussein's people and the UN's "Inspector Clousseau" agents played hide-and-go-seek with Iraq's WMD.
In 1998, concluding correcting that Bill Clinton is a feckless coward who had his hands full with the Monica scandal, Hussein siezes his chance to throw the UN out of Iraq, probably with the expectation of reconstituting his WMD programs.
Then along comes 9/11 and the "cowboy" from Texas, and all hell breaks loose. Now the critical need for the UN, Hussein, France, Russia and company is to hide the evidence of their bogus activities for the previous decade. So we get the Blix nonsense and the big stall for as long as possible. Then we get Kay a former UN weapons inspector, himself and his ISG managing to discredit all WMD-related finds after the invasion.
It seems to me there are plenty of people in Washington, the UN, Europe and Iraq with lots of motive to hide the truth about Iraq's WMD.
posted on
04/02/2004 3:02:58 PM PST
(Yo, "real" conservatives. Spain's election is clear. Jihadists are on Kerry's side. Are you?)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
There were related observations, passed over consistently, about the poor state of Iraqi grain farming. It was blamed on a shortage of pesticide and herbicide.
This has been my preferred theory of the WMDs from the beginning. The presence of those who have a political agenda against the POTUS in the most sensitive departments of our country is terrifying.
But, we won WWII, even if there were a passel of Soviet moles in the government at the highest levels (see *Treason*).
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Thanks for the link! That's the thread I was thinking of when I saw this thread. The one thing that I remembered was this from your link
"As for the red sand that covers Baghdad when the seasonal khamasin winds blow, he said it does the plants no harm. In fact, it protects them from insects, because we cant afford to buy the pesticides or the proper soil.
It seems, from this excerpt, they don't even NEED pesticides. So, why did they have so much of the stuff? One of life's great mysteries, I guess. ;o)
posted on
04/02/2004 5:44:18 PM PST
(President Bush is a mensch in cowboy boots.<<<Keep Free Republic Free...DONATE TODAY>>>)
To: dixiechick2000
So, why did they have so much of the stuff?I think we will know eventually!
posted on
04/02/2004 5:48:56 PM PST
(The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is what they got!!!!)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
I eagerly await an explanation, hopefully around convention time. ;o)
posted on
04/02/2004 5:51:44 PM PST
(President Bush is a mensch in cowboy boots.<<<Keep Free Republic Free...DONATE TODAY>>>)
To: dixiechick2000; NormsRevenge; Dog; Cap Huff; Grampa Dave; BOBTHENAILER; Dog Gone; ...
posted on
04/02/2004 6:02:24 PM PST
(The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is what they got!!!!)
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