To: Beren
This should not have become a national story period. It was and still is a local issue. If you want to pass blame then blame the media frenzie in that town and all the REPORTERS who did not do a damn thing to help find her or investigate anything other then WHAT IFS and WHAT NOWS....
166 posted on
04/02/2004 9:25:26 AM PST by
(John Kerry is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.)
To: alisasny
I thought it bacame national because they were looking for a person who had been abducted and we were all supposed to be on the lookout for her? I thought the media spread news like this in an effort to help FIND people who may be taken across state lines.
175 posted on
04/02/2004 9:28:41 AM PST by
(I haven't been ignoring you, I have been prioritizing you.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson