To: highlandbreeze
Do you know yet how doctors treat AS? medications?
To: uncitizen
My son is 12 and for seven years we thought he had ADHD(per diagnosis of the AF docs). then we began seeing a civilian doc. and he continued along the ADHD route. But nothing seemed to work so they tack on Oppositional-defiant d/o. But than I was is the waiting room and found info regarding Asperger's and it was like they were talking about my son. Currently they are continuing with Concerta and behavior mod. I'm trying to get info but it's not easy to find.
To: uncitizen
Has anybody heard of a treatment that involves a headset with alternating beeps that sound in the ear?
It was used successfully to treat folks with PTSD, and noboyd knows why it works. It isn't for any type of chemical deficiency, but in many cases, it seems to rewire the brain.
I sure wish I could remember the name of the treatment, but maybe it could help some folks reading the thread and dealing with hardships.
256 posted on
04/02/2004 10:25:11 AM PST by
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