From what I can tell, Teresa and Kerry met each other later. But as members (Teresa as spouse, Kerry as member) of a fairly small and probably active social group (the Senate), they must have known each other. However, that crash was an accident. I'll never forget the day and watched multiple hours of the coverage.
Thanks for the info on the FBI files. That helped explain the situation to me.
For the crime of conspiracy to commit murder of a federal officer, a move has to have been made toward the crime. On the small side, one account has them deciding who will do which senator (giving one Texan to a Texan? if I recall correctly). But on the large side, Stennis's attack seems very suspicious and has never been solved. That was definitely an attempted murder, as one of the shots barely missed his heart. His doctors considered his recovery a miracle.
Now, if it appears Kerry did commit that crime of conspiracy, there is probably a statute of limitation which has expired. Nevertheless that would make a fascinating campaign ad for Bush:
[A photo of longhaired Kerry and his merry band of VVAWs is shown] "Senator Kerry took part in a vote on whether or not to kill six senators that voted for the Vietnam War." [Show our troops in Iraq, then show the Senate floor empty] "Aren't his fellow Senators lucky today that Senator Kerry is now among them rather than taking part in plots to kill them??"
How could that not finish him?