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To: doubleA
Mentioning that it was a Baltimore Sun article was the Barf this was about "Maryland" mothers...who vote democrat most of the time.
34 posted on 03/30/2004 5:05:03 AM PST by Katya
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To: Katya
Sounds alot like the "grassroots" Million Mom March, "accidentally" started at a breakfast conversation by a woman who's a total leftist activist/Hillary worker/relative or whatever. These groups ARE dangerous, however, because they are NOT grassroots, have professionals behind them, and are massively funded by the looney left. That's why it's hard for similar groups to get ahead. The media will call upon these "diverse moms" for all opinions, while ignoring the entire other side (e.g., NOW versus Concerned Women for America, Million Mom March versus Second Amendment Sisters, Clarke versus Aldrich....see the pattern?).

Wanna bet that if a group of moms in Virginia got together for Bush, they could never get newspaper articles announcing their formation? Would they get calls for a "man on the street" statement? RIGHT...Sure....

What should conservative moms do? Between running a household with many small kids, and homeschool, without massive extra money sitting around...what should someone like me do? I'd like to pose this question out there...I've got a computer, DSL, law degree, work money, not oodles of time....It's an old problem. People like me are busy taking care of business, doing everything they can to properly care for husband, children and home. The wacko college activists with too much time and money on their hands can zip around on parents' credit cards to the latest protest along with the DINKS, or those with 1.5 children.

On the other hand, I don't want to be on the sidelines of the culture war, either, as our heritage slips away. What I'm doing in investing in the wees ones' lives is a long-term project whose fruits don't help the next election. Is there someone those like me can do that has more current impact? Any thoughts?

44 posted on 03/30/2004 5:25:34 AM PST by elk
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