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To: BigSkyFreeper
"We ought to have universal, affordable access to broadband technology by the year 2007," Bush said in a speech in Albuquerque, New Mexico. "And then we ought to make sure that as soon as possible thereafter consumers have plenty of choices..." Great...more government interference in the private sector...and from Republicans, the alleged party of smaller government.
3 posted on
03/26/2004 3:39:12 PM PST by
To: BigSkyFreeper
I'm all in favor of universal broadband access, but I'm way opposed to having the government figure out how to do it. That's a recipe for either a technical disaster or a high-priced subsidy to rural residents (or both).
And Bush should know that, if he's as smart and principled as the people on this forum seem to think he is.
To: BigSkyFreeper
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Reuters) President Bush Friday urged affordable high-speed Internet access be available to all Americans by 2007 and that they have several choices for the service known as broadband. They do have several choices: DSL, Cable modem, ISDN, satellite, T1...
5 posted on
03/26/2004 3:40:23 PM PST by
To: BigSkyFreeper
Wasn't this one of Algore's ideas back in Y2K?
6 posted on
03/26/2004 3:40:49 PM PST by
Willie Green
(Go Pat Go!!!)
To: BigSkyFreeper
At least this guy is somewhat consistant................
the iraqis will all have it, at our expense soon too!
I'll think of this while I'm writing my check to the IRS on April 15th.
10 posted on
03/26/2004 3:45:35 PM PST by
(Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...)
To: BigSkyFreeper
Most communities have only one service provider which eliminates competition. That's why cable networks are charging high prices. The government should allow competition for the same service. That would drive down consumer costs.
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
Yup... Just what we need: The government making sure that each and every American can download porn at the highest speed possible!
30 posted on
03/26/2004 4:00:40 PM PST by
("Aye...And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon." -Capt. Montgomery Scott, Starfleet, ret.)
To: BigSkyFreeper
To: BigSkyFreeper
"We ought to have universal, affordable access to broadband technology by the year 2007," Bush said in a speech in Albuquerque, New Mexico. "And then we ought to make sure that as soon as possible thereafter consumers have plenty of choices..." Will he slash regulations or will he spend a hundred billion dollars that helps nobody but the incumbents of both parties?
To: BigSkyFreeper
I'm not knee-jerk opposed to this idea. Over a decade ago, I was for the USPS providing everyone in the USA with a fixed email address.
39 posted on
03/26/2004 4:11:12 PM PST by
To: BigSkyFreeper
Great news. This wise investment in our nation's infrastructure will pay for itself many times over in increased economic productivity as well as bolstering our international competitiveness. Anyone who resents this small but necessary role of government can do us all a favor and go live in a house boat in the South China Sea without any the interferance from any government.
To: BigSkyFreeper
"We ought to have universal, affordable access to broadband technology by the year 2007," Bush said in a speech in Albuquerque, New Mexico. "And then we ought to make sure that as soon as possible thereafter consumers have plenty of choices..." I wish he'd said this four years ago so that the economy would be in better shape today, but better late than never.
If the government must get involved to keep the U.S. #1 in communications technology, then so be it.
43 posted on
03/26/2004 4:19:42 PM PST by
To: BigSkyFreeper
Why not satellite broadband?
55 posted on
03/26/2004 4:36:21 PM PST by
(Kerry went to Vietnam...yadda yadda yadda...he should be President...)
To: BigSkyFreeper
We're lagging in broadband access and affordability behind great industrial powers like, uhm, Finland, North Korea... eh, no need to go on and upset oneself! Repeat after meas loud as you can: U-S-A IS NUMBER ONE! U-S-A IS NUMBER ONE!
56 posted on
03/26/2004 4:38:08 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
("In the end, nothing explains anything!")
To: BigSkyFreeper
Why is government involved in this?
68 posted on
03/26/2004 5:17:54 PM PST by
Joe Hadenuf
(I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
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