Tent covering the driveway. Used to corral the donors as they are checked in.
View of DC Chapter from the 'Rat side of the street.
BufordP and Nerdwithamachinegun.
Nerdwithamachinegun and staytrue.
'Rat crowd trapped in pen, had nowhere to hide from the booming voices directly across the street.
Lady in red: "If I don't look at them, maybe they'll stop saying stuff about John Kerry."
"Listen to Bill Clinton tell everyone how hard he was hunting terrorists."
"What did they just say about the Howard Dean Hollerin' Contest?"
"I think they are making fun of Howard's scream."
Our words flew directly into the cattle tent, where big money 'Rat donors couldn't escape.
Faces of 'Rats looking our way.
Clinton crime family reunion tonight.
You can take away our voice, but our signs will speak for us.
It's obvious from the pictures how much fun y'all have back there!!! ;-)
TrueBlackman, with sign that turns the tables on John Kerry's promise to be "the second black president", Angelwood, Kristinn, and BufordP. Buford is holding a classic Osama sign made by Abner and made famous by Doctor Raoul [photo of Raoul holding the sign became a famous, widely-circulated email].
StayTrue, with his sign ["I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it" - Kerry waffles]that drew laughs from some non-Dems who walked by, and Angelwood, with a Vietnam Veterans Against Kerry sign [her husband is a Vietnam Vet who joined that group].