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To: Mitchell

I don't do this very often, so forgive me. I was watching the ABC program tonight on Donald Rumsfeld at 8 P.M. EST. Right in the middle of the show, here appears Richard Clarke, and down in the corner is the little ABC logo with the words ABC (SOMETHING) CONSULTANT. (Not sure what TYPE of consultant, but definitely CONSULTANT.

You said:

You made up the headline, as well as the whole story that ABC had just hired him (presumably based on his recent accusations). You posted no link or other documentation.

Ah, kindly point out your proof that I made this up and where I said ABC just hired him.

This has been at or near the top of the Breaking News sidebar for a while now. It's an embarrassment to FR.

I did not put this is breaking news; and judging from the comments on this thread, NOBODY else knew it either.

Take your crap somewhere else.

And don't ever call me a liar again.

311 posted on 03/26/2004 11:40:27 AM PST by Howlin
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To: Howlin
Ah, kindly point out your proof that I made this up and where I said ABC just hired him.

In Post #5, you said "ONE DAMN DAY". The logical assumption is that you were referring to the amount of time it took ABC News to hire Clarke after his testimony.

The headline of the thread itself also implies that Clarke just took the position.

The guy's slime, but what you implied was innacurate.

320 posted on 03/26/2004 12:21:56 PM PST by WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
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To: Howlin
I never called you a liar; I said I thought that you jumped to the conclusion that he was just hired. It's a natural mistake to have made in the heat of the moment when you saw him identified as a consultant, and the thought was exacerbated by Stephanopoulos' misleading remark.

When I pointed out that he had been employed by ABC back in August, you even said, "I bet they let him go and hired him back."

If I misunderstood you, I apologize. Looking back on the thread, I'm certainly not the only one who interpreted what you wrote in that way. Since you didn't mean that he was newly hired, maybe you could write the Admin Moderator and request that the headline be changed (from "Clarke Takes Position..." to, say, "Clarke Holds Position...") and also that the thread be removed from Breaking News.

I had no idea that other people could place a thread in Breaking News; I thought the poster had to do that.

I'm sorry that this seems to have gotten personal; I didn't intend for that to happen. As conservatives, I just think we have the facts on our side and so should be scrupulously accurate.

323 posted on 03/26/2004 12:39:21 PM PST by Mitchell
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