Because he has to negotiate with the majority of Democrats in Sacramento! Because he cannot offer a flat NO due to 14 other states having them legally and Bush offering a guest workers program...he needs to maintain the popular status in this liberal state, because he is turning this state around when it comes to financial, attitudes, bi-partison votes and party growth/direction...emough?
No. Let's take them one at a time... Because he has to negotiate with the majority of Democrats in Sacramento!
So, he's lying? Or was he giving his honest position when he explained that his concerns were insurance and background checks? Because he cannot offer a flat NO due to 14 other states having them legally and Bush offering a guest workers program...
If 14 other states give DLs to Illegals, that means 35 don't. On top of that, Californians oppose them. Sure he can say no. Because he cannot offer a flat NO due to 14 other states having them legally and Bush offering a guest workers program...
Schwarzenegger was on record during the campaign as supporting McCain's S. 1461, another so-called "guest-worker program" that was cited by "Republican officials" in this Washington Post story leaking President Bush's imminent proposal for an Illegal Alien Amnesty by another name, which he announced on January 7th. In addition, Schwarzenegger's support for some form of CDL for Illegals predates President Bush's proposal (see the quotes posted to you at #31), therefore the latter can't be a cause of the former. he needs to maintain the popular status in this liberal state,
This liberal state passed Proposition #187, Three Strikes, ended bilingual ed and racial preferences, and defined marriage as one man and one woman. This liberal state qualified the Save Our License referendum, which Schwarzenegger wouldn't support, yet which remained the only leverage by which he was able to effect the repeal of SB60. You think Schwarzenegger needs pretend to be open to CDLs for Illegals to maintain popularity? Why, when CDLs for Illegals are so unpopular? because he is turning this state around when it comes to financial, attitudes, bi-partison votes and party growth/direction...emough?
Just about enough. You seem to be buying the line that Republican politicians need to pander to the pro-Illegal lobby, or need to appear willing to do so, in order appeal to constituencies that are not traditionally Republican. The numbers indicate otherwise. Check out the Vote analysis of Prop. 187, the illegal alien initiative. Note the huge majorities voting Yes on #187 among Independents (61%), Men (62%), non-Hispanic Whites (64%), Seniors (66%), Conservatives (76%), and Republicans (76%). Note the majorities in favor of #187 Among Blacks (52%), Asians (52%), Moderates (56%), and College graduates ( 54%), Women (56%). While these figures are ten years old, and limited to California, its remarkable how close they are to current polls of Americans on issues such as welfare or Amnesty for Illegal Aliens.
See post #2 for some of those polls.