I too have nothing but contempt for those that will put their party before the constitution and our country. As time passes, more will realize just how dangerous this can be to all of us. The conservatives of just five or so years ago, look and sound nothing like most of the konservatives of today.
I tire of seeing others attacked, mocked, wolfpacked when they state something that may goes against the "party line". I find it very disturbing
What happened to smaller government? What happened to our borders? What happened to protecting our sovereignty and watching out for our own citizens?
I have spoken out many times about our wide open, out of control borders, and this epic invasion of millions. And for speaking out on this conservative site, I have been called racist, bigot, nazi, and other blatant lies and accusations. This site does not tolerate racism and those that push it are banned in short order. Yet those that make these vile accusations and push these deceitful lies are still here and their posts remain intact, even after it was brought to the attention of management, by myself and others.
I hate to see you go. It seems some of the best people are no longer around anymore. I understand the reasons. It's very unfortunate.
Good luck you Beck.
English is you're second language?