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To: Havoc
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 18:10).
361 posted on 03/19/2004 6:23:37 PM PST by nickcarraway
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To: nickcarraway
I dispise no one. I hate your doctrines for the foul lies of the devil they are. I just make no bones about saying that because that is our purpose as Christians. To shine the light of the truth on the lies of Satan and to be truthful even if it kills us - literally. Christ was the same way and did it better likely than I will ever do. The Apostles were the same way. And they commanded us to do likewise. If I were not doing my best to do so, i would be blamed for it.

Christ didn't come to sweet talk and be cozy with people. He came to tell the world we are sinners and will die in our sins unless we straighten up. And the way he did it at times was downright bold, confrontational and without apology. He called a liar a liar, put the religious leaders in their place for making merchandise of souls and bringing God's word to naught. He said obey them because they are the law, they sit in Moses seat; but, stay away from their doctrine. That's the part of Matthew 16 some people evidently never got around to teaching. It makes some priests a little uncomfortable.

I may love you; but, loving you don't mean I'm going to stand by and let you call God's word a lie and get by with it. I will correct you; but, at the end of the day, I love you, God loves you and we both want you in heaven. It's kinda like having Kids. We may love our kids; but, we ain't gonna put up with them if they can't behave. I can stand here and correct anyone with all authority as I'm told to do in Titus. They can listen to me or not. Implicit in that is binding and loosing. Any born again spirit filled Christian has that authority. You can ignore me; but, I'm just the messenger. God's word is the message. And that is why you are to check every word I say against God's word because God's word is what will judge you. Not Roman Catholic philosophy, not Mormon Philosophy, Not Watchtower philsophy, not Budhist philosophy - but the word of the living God.

I, just as paul stated, come with the same message of the Gospel he came with. If I come with any other message than he gave, I am to be cursed. Paul said of himself, 'if even I myself come with a doctrine other than I have already preached, let me be accursed.' Strong words. But how can you know without the mind of Christ and a full understanding of the scriptures rather than some cut and pastes spoonfed to you out of context. Read it all and seek God for the understanding. God said if you are born again you will put on the mind of Christ. If his mind can't understand his own words, you will never understand scripture. And anyone who tells you a Christian can't understand Scripture calls Christ and the Apostles liars and God unjust. God holds you accountable for HIS word. If you can't understand it and you're the one responsible for it, you're in trouble cause Paul said you're supposed to know it enough to be able to tell the real deal from the fake by lookin at it.

400 posted on 03/19/2004 8:17:00 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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