This isn't tyrranny. The government is simply hopping on the bandwagon created by public outrage over the levels of smut that have built up after decades of the Left running down our culture with the glorification of smut and violence.
There is NO order with the FCC because they have no guidelines - the FCC can rule anything obscene because they set the standards - standards which are not written down or even definable and are applied arbitrarily. Such a system does not produce the order written rules tend to produce but in reality produce a tyranny.
Any enforcement of rules that are not written down and not definable is a tyranny. That is why we have a written constitution. Tyrannies a run without written laws on the whim of the tyrant. The congress does not even tell the FCC what it considers obscene, leaving it up to the judgments of appointed people.
Conservatives freak out when judges make up rules and laws but for some reason certain "conservatives" have no problem with political appointees making up what is considered punishable speech over the public airwaves. But you can sucker the stupid with talk of morality.
I am all for rules and enforcement of rules for the production of an orderly society. As long as those rules are clearly written and approved into law by the congress and the president.
Analogy: What we have now on our airwaves highway is a road where no speed limits are posted and the cops can write you out a ticket whenever they feel you drove too fast but never telling you what the speed limit so that you may obey it because there is no written speed limit. It is up to the cop at that day and that time and at that location to determine if you are speeding above the speed limit that the traffic cop sets arbitrarily.