To: Delta 21
I take offense to calling us a fool by waiting to take her to the Er the second time. With know signs of any symptom's until the am of the 29 of October of 2003 she suddenly woke up with an extreme fever and unable to walk. I rushed her to the pediatrician and after a brief exam he told me to rush her to the ER. He even called to tell them we were on our way. When we got their, no one would even look at us for hours. Then we I was told "JESSIE IS FINE. SHE JUST HAS THE FLU AND THE TESTS CAME BACK NEGATIVE FOR SEPTIC AND THAT IT SHOULD ONLY LAST 3 TO 4 DAYS. Bed rest and Motrin were prescribe. The nest day I was told to call her pedi and tell him what they said and confirmed "THAT SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT" The following day I called again asking for something for her leg pain, still believing she just had the flu, never given information that something could be serious or even worse death! I told him Jessie symptoms again, nothing had changed. The that horrible Halloween night Jessie's fever broke and we were so happy, thanking God. You will never understand what happened when she suddenly called my name after going to bed for about 20 minutes, and as I went to her she was completely cold, within minutes she turned colors and went limp. We rushed her to the ER thinking maybe she is dehydrated, I mean she just has the flu! The we watched in horror as she died right before our eyes. We faced a cover up. No one would tell us what happened. We then found out she died of septic syndrome and the doctors lied to us about doing the tests and she could have survived because early detection is the key, with culture and antibiotics. Animals get treated better then 7 year old little girls. So before you make such an arrogant statement, you should put your self in our shoes, and I am positive you would not be so quick to judge.
Heart broken and forever changed.
I love you Jessie.
To: purplejessieangel
If you're not a troll, I offer my sincere condolences for the loss of your darling daughter. If you are, then shame on you. Sorry for the skepticism, but we have had people sign up just to state they know, are related to, the people in the original post, just to find out they want to stir up the pot.
23 posted on
09/03/2005 10:16:00 AM PDT by
( Freepers are the best!!!)
To: purplejessieangel
I am one of those kooks that believe in Colloidal Silver. A teaspoon a day taken orally would most likely have prevented this. Or at least gave her immune system a little help. I am still an avid believer in Colloidal Silver and all that I personally know that it can do for anyone who chooses to use it.
New paragraph = New subject.
You are a fool if you wait until you are on your death bed before asking for a second opinion. ...and most doctors rate right up there with insurance salesmen, telemarketers and lawyers.
This is a blanket statement not only to you, but more emphatically to everyone expressing my lack of trust for the medical profession in general. I have three girls myself and have had more than my share of visits to hospitals and emergency rooms. I know doctors are completely fallible and even negligent in there duties on a daily basis. I also know that doctors can and do perform miracles on a daily basis as well, but I am not going to take the word of a doctor who may well have graduated doctor school with a D- to be the end all decision of a person that I care enough to trade my life for.
I feel for you for having to go through the horror of loosing a loved one. I apologize for what you have taken as a personal slam. I wasn't said in that context. I was no more calling you a fool than any other reader of this board.
My only advice to you would be to pray for the loving kindness and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ and courage from the Holy Ghost to carry on until you can be rejoined with your child.
Short of that I would find the most blood thirsty lawyer I could and hold those accountable for the negligence in your daughters case.
Welcome to Free Republic.
Dont let this be your one and only post.
24 posted on
09/03/2005 1:42:49 PM PDT by
Delta 21
(Its only funny till someone gets hurt, Then its HILARIOUS.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson