To: American_Centurion
So is this what the lying liberal hunters of President Bush's secret INTEL have been demanding. Rocky's MEMO!
Wonder what else President Bush has up his sleeves that really has these lying liberals scared?
To: Just mythoughts
THIS IS A BIG FREEEKIN DEAL PINGEROONEY!!! Hope Rush, Hannity, and Fox News are reading this. (BAT SIGNAL ON FULL POWER...)
To: Just mythoughts
There is tons of stuff that has the Libs scared, otherwise the media wouldn't have to cover for them so much.
I can't wait to see the blowback from this one. I'm sure the commie libs can spin it, but I don't know if Mr. and Mrs. America are going to buy what they're selling.
64 posted on
03/11/2004 8:19:50 AM PST by
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