Ya, thank God he got that evil man Tommy Chong off the street!
Funny, I recently got banned again at DU.
I had a account going several months and built up a few hundred posts, when I dropped the ball.
My sin, on a thread celebrating the illness of Ashcroft, many DUers were dancing in the virtual aisles over his illness and wishing for his death.
There were lots of posts about his extremism, etc.
I asked, as politely as I could, "What exactly has Ashcroft done, since his nomination to deserve such hatred?". "Who's rights has he stepped on, who has been abused?"
The one and only response I got, before being banned, "What about Tommy Chong?"
(PL, I'm not comparing you to a DU'er, just remarking that the only sin notable by many against Ashcroft is the arrest of Tommy Chong.)