You need to check yourself, dennis.
Evangelization is "poaching?"
We Christians, by our understanding, would be practicing anti-Semitism by omission if we evangleized everyone else but Jews. We think we are right to evanglize because it is a tenet of our faith to do so.
For a couple of years I attended a congregation that was made up primarily of Jewish believers in Christ. At one service, members offered testimony of what they had sacrificed for Christ. The stories of families, in some cases, disowning them and shunning them were heartbreaking. Yet these Jewish Christians (some will object to the therm, but that's how they described themselves, and the description fits) harbored no bitterness for their Jewish families, because they understood that they had been rejected for Christ's sake. In some cases, over the years, feelings had softened, and some family members were now members of the congregation.
The bottom line is that American Christians and Christians worldwide will continue to be friends to the Jews, and to Israel. If your price for friendship is non-evangelization, we will not pay it, but we will be your friends anyway.