About 200 soldiers from the 1109th Aviation
Classification Repair Activity Depot returned
home this afternoon to their families.
"It is like a dream that is finally coming true."
It was a long wait for this homecoming and most of the soldiers had not seen their family for over a year.
Signs and flags waved high as family members waited with anticipation for the 1109th to return home.
The crowd waited behind a yellow ribbon, which is the finish line for a year long tour of duty.
There was no measure for the power of an embrace for the soldiers.
"There are no words that can describe how I feel," says Spc. Murray Mowatt.
"I am just elated, I am just so elated. There are no words to express it.
There are no words. I am so thankful he is home, safe and sound," says Dianne Burns.
"There are a lot of mixed emotions. I don't know what to expect when I go back to work,
when ever I decide to do that. Just the joy of being home,
my family is all here. It is incredible ," says Maj. Jeff Burns.
The 1109th specializes in helicopter repair and maintenance.
Flags waving, posters and banners flying, we marched out of the airport.
Emotionally spent and relieved, I lagged behind the group.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man of Asian descent approach.
He reached out and touched me.
In a soft voice, he spoke, "Ma'am, are you the mother of that soldier?"
I replied, "Yes."
He said, "Thank you for this soldier. Because of him, we are free men."
I wanted to cry with pride and relief. Over this man's shoulder,
I saw Ed with his wife beside him, shaking another supporter's hand.
Nothing will ever compare to the pride I felt in my countrymen and son.