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To: First_Salute; Landru; Jeff Head; FBD; Minuteman23; CharliefromKS; skip2myloo
I had intended to take a hiatus from FR for a while (and still do), but I have been reading and hearing a good many commentaries on ‘The Passion of Christ’ that have missed the mark so badly that I feel moved to at least put down on paper my observations about the movie, for whatever they may be worth.

As is probably the case with most people who have seen the movie, for me to attempt to communicate everything I came away with would take days, weeks. I would just like to focus on what I believe are a few misconceptions, and what I believe some of the ‘messages’ of the movie were.

First, the pre-release, and post-release, uproar regarding an ‘anti-Semitic’ message contained in ‘The Passion’ is absurd and politically agenda-driven.

The crowd that demanded Christ’s crucifixion was, of course, composed of Jews. They are the people who lived in Jerusalem. But the Jews in the crowd that demanded His crucifixion did not necessarily (and most probably didn’t) reflect the anger of the Jewish people in general. It was a relatively small crowd in comparison to the population of the city, and it was most likely purposefully assembled by the Sanhedrin and high priests who feared Jesus because he was undermining their authority. Those many Jews who were receptive to Christ’s teaching, or who were unaffected by Him in any way, remained in the shadows, fearing for their lives.

Among those who remained in the shadows was Simon of Cyrene, who, at the fifth station of the carrying of the cross, was ordered to come out from those who stood back from the mob, to help the weakening Christ with his burden for the last few hundred feet of his walk to Calvary. He did so reluctantly and begrudgingly, fearing for his life, and not knowing who this Man was. But, in physically supporting (almost carrying) Jesus those last few hundred feet, and in spiritually ‘connecting’ with him during those brief but powerful moments, he almost instantly knew whose cross he was bearing … and then attempted to comfort Him and convince others of the wrongness of what was about to happen. [Interestingly, scripture tells us little more about Simon after this day. But his sons became very involved in the Christian congregation in Rome, which suggests that Simon may have become a Christian as well.]

My point in even bringing this up is that, in ‘The Passion,’ I believe Simon may have been the only character who was purposefully labeled (through dialogue) a Jew. And, if one would want to characterize him, he was portrayed in an extremely sensitive and heroic light. The mob, although composed of Jews, was not portrayed as representing a people – but, instead, as representing a relatively small, agenda-driven mob, whose actions were orchestrated by the Sanhedrin. Most of the Jews in the city stayed in the shadows for fear of losing their lives. And the one who came out of the shadows, as a result of an order issued by a Roman soldier, connected with Christ (in a way that perhaps no one else but Mary, his own mother, did just then) during His last minutes on earth .... and he sought desperately to help Him.

Much of the evil in our world is the result of the fact that scripture is ridiculed, and the concept of scriptural morality (as represented by the Ten Commandments, and the teachings of Christ) is under relentless attack. I believe the cries of anti-Semitism in this movie have one purpose: to drive a wedge between Jews and Christians. An alliance of Jews and Christians strikes fear in the hearts of those who would do away with the moral concept of right and wrong contained in His word (both Old and New Testaments), and the teachings of His Son.

One of the several powerful messages in the movie (as was spoken in Aramaic by Christ in one of the relatively few lines of dialogue) was the fact that His followers will be persecuted. He warned His faithful disciples (in the movie, and countless times in Scripture) that they will suffer a future of persecution, and even death.

I believe that is one of the movie’s strongest messages: that Christians must prepare themselves for the coming persecutions … for the fact that the evil in the world will increasingly seek to silence them. His words are born out today, as the Christian church – especially in Africa and Asia – is under relentless, and growing, assault.

As just a personal example: The church that I attend (named after St. Paul, author of most of the books of the New Testament) has ‘planted’ a sister church in Liberia, affectionately known as ‘Little St. Paul’s’. Over the past decade, the membership in Little St. Paul’s has grown by leaps and bounds. Our church regularly sends barrels (as in thousands of pounds) of supplies to our sister church (medical equipment, Bibles, textbooks, personal items, repair equipment, etc.) – and a small group from our church travels there for a month every other year (if political conditions in the region allow) in order to get a firsthand look at the progress that is being made, the conditions in the area, and to offer physical help with whatever the people are in need of (I will be a part of that rotating contingent in November of 2004). Over the past two years, conditions in the region have deteriorated, and, because of the brutal civil war, and the growing anti-Christian sentiment of the government (which sees Christianity as a threat to its tyrannical power), there are often months at a time in which we are cut off from communication with our sister church. The church itself often suffers major damage (by fire or vandalism), in which case the people meet in their homes until they can make repairs and return to worship in their church building. Many of the congregation have been killed by agents of the government. And yet their membership continues to grow. Their newfound Christianity is strong and unyielding to violent dictatorial ultimatums, even to the point of death.

Such persecution is common in African (and Asian) nations, and is increasing. Especially in Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe, Christians are routinely rounded up and taken into government custody. Generally they are asked to sign a paper renouncing their belief in Christ. And often, if they do not do so (which they rarely, if ever, do), they are either held indefinitely under inhuman conditions, sold into slavery, or brutally tortured, or executed, by the dozens or hundreds. The incidents are increasing dramatically, and the numbers of Christian martyrs around the world – but especially in Africa -- are growing daily.

Christ warned His followers that, in the end times, such persecution would escalate. That warning was contained in a very moving part of ‘The Passion’ – which is yet another reason that the enemies of freedom (religious and otherwise) despise this film. It is calling attention to a brand of evil that they would rather remained unreported and unacknowledged.

I saw the movie on opening night. I will be seeing it again tomorrow afternoon. I was not able to digest much of the movie the first time around. I did not see large portions of it, because I knew what was about to happen and couldn’t bring myself to watch. I also found my mind shutting down during several particularly graphic scenes. I believe that I need to go back and have the courage to take in those parts that I was unable to take in on Wednesday, for one reason: We need to comprehend what our Lord did for us. We need to be reminded that the words ‘What would Jesus do?’ are not simply a slogan to be etched on a bracelet, or recited as a stanza of primitive poetry. We need to know … really know … the eternal purpose behind His willing sacrifice and His brutal death. And we need to take that image and apply it to our own lives – seeking to live as Christ-like a life as is humanly possible. Knowing that we will stumble, but that He is a patient, loving and forgiving God, who will wait for us to regain our feet again ... as long as we keep our eyes focused on Him.

‘The Passion’ helps us to do that. It is brutal. But it is true to scripture. It is inspiring. It portrays the last hours of life of the only Perfect Man, accurately and powerfully. And it strikes fear in the hearts of those who seek the subjugation of men by other men.

I don’t expect 'The Passion' to receive any Academy award nominations in 2005. Then again, in the eternal scheme of things, an Academy award does not even register as a blip. Tomorrow night the Hollywood ilk will gather in their pompous, irreverent, self-aggrandizing celebration. Some of them will no doubt have condescending (at the very least) things to say about Gibson’s inspired masterpiece. And then they will go home and comment endlessly on each other’s attire, and each other’s speeches – unaware that there is a spiritual world in which peace of a lasting kind can be attained, outside of material or worldly concerns.

They ridicule and criticize something about which they know nothing. And they continue to promote barren secular ideologies that have proven deadly to mankind through the centuries. History is not on their side.

I have no doubt that ‘The Passion’ will cause something of a spiritual revival in the hearts of millions of people. The question is, will they (we) have the strength of conviction to keep our hearts from hardening once again? The forces that are aligned against Christianity, and liberty, are strengthening, and becoming emboldened by success. The ‘persecution’ and demonization of those who are determined to defend freedom (of religion, and all other God-given liberties) will not be diminishing. It will grow more relentless, as ignorance and apathy increase. ‘The Passion’ may grant something of a cinematic ‘reprieve’ from ignorance and apathy. But if that ‘reprieve’ is short-lived, we can’t look to another Hollywood product to awaken us. The strength, resolve, and courage of conviction, must be intrinsic to be of any lasting value.

Thank you, Mr. Gibson, for lighting a small spark. Whether or not we fan it into a fire, or allow it to be extinguished, only time will tell.

~ joanie

69 posted on 02/28/2004 4:15:23 PM PST by joanie-f (All that we know and love depends on three simple things: sunlight, soil, and the fact that it rains)
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To: joanie-f
Joanie, I saw the movie this afternoon. I saw in it a lot of what many other people have written about, but I didn't see some of what you just wrote. But--now that I think about it I do.

It had so many "messages"--all of them good and based on the Bible. And as you wrote, those "messages" are what are making the liberals scream!

Thank you for pointing out everything you did. All of it is true, even though I didn't see all of it right away. I guess I'm still recovering from the movie, and it might take me a few days to think straight. I never saw anything like it.

Check your mail.
72 posted on 02/28/2004 5:16:45 PM PST by Minuteman23
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To: joanie-f
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you.
73 posted on 02/28/2004 5:57:10 PM PST by CharliefromKS
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To: joanie-f
I haven't seen it, Joanie. But I will be going tomorrow night. Your description is one of the most excellent I have read.

I saw an idiot British author/columnist being interviewed last night. I can't even remember his name or what show he was on, but his comments were sickening, and you refuted a few of them here. I would like to see you debate him. He would wind up looking like a fool.

I'm glad a read this before seeing it. It will help me to understand the movie better.

I hope you can watch more of it tomorrow.

The liberals are afraid, that's for sure.

75 posted on 02/28/2004 6:56:08 PM PST by aodell
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To: joanie-f
I just watched a part of a show on the History Channel called called "Hollywood vs. History." It's a panel discussion on "The Passion." The managing editor of Newsweek just said exactly what you said here, that it was not the Jews who wanted his crucifiction, but the "high priests," and that that is how it was portrayed in the movie.

I wish I could watch more but I have to go out!
76 posted on 02/28/2004 7:33:56 PM PST by aodell
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To: joanie-f
Thank you for sharing your experience...
93 posted on 02/29/2004 5:37:43 AM PST by Freedom2specul8 (Please pray for our troops....
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To: joanie-f
Thank you so, so much for your post #69. You speak the truth in love.
101 posted on 02/29/2004 7:18:05 AM PST by .30Carbine
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To: joanie-f
"I believe the cries of anti-Semitism in this movie have one purpose: to drive a wedge between Jews and Christians. An alliance of Jews and Christians strikes fear in the hearts of those who would do away with the moral concept of right and wrong contained in His word (both Old and New Testaments), and the teachings of His Son."

I believe you're right on the money again, as usual, kid.

However I sense there's something else concurrently at work here, too.
The mere notion this film would, could & has the power to bring so many more people (who'd ordinarily remain distant) much closer to Him & His Holy Word has 'em in an abject panick I've not witnessed in my entire lifetime.
Their shrieks are deafening & although it's probably inappropriate to say this, I'll say it anyway.
Those people had better get used to those sounds because some adamently believe where those people are going?
Shrieks of misery & agony will be the only sounds they'll be making and/or hear for all of eternity.

"I have no doubt that ‘The Passion’ will cause something of a spiritual revival in the hearts of millions of people. The question is, will they (we) have the strength of conviction to keep our hearts from hardening once again? The forces that are aligned against Christianity, and liberty, are strengthening, and becoming emboldened by success."

Although you ask a pretty tough question no one I know can really answer, I tend to believe the hardening & softening of hearts are like anything else, they work in cycles.
What I do know about the forces of evil, their alignment & this motion picture is quite simple if not obvious.

"Evil's" been handed a huge setback. least for the time being.

103 posted on 02/29/2004 9:28:52 AM PST by Landru (Indulgences: 2 for a buck.)
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To: joanie-f
Joanie, as always thank you again for your eloquent and impassioned words, comments and observations. Although I have yet to see the film, from everything I have heard from friends who have, your comments are spot on.

I hope to to see the movie this Friday. I will respond more after seeing it. I believe particularly that your comments as regards the forces that are seeking to manipulate and destroy the basic Christian value system our nation is founded upon are absolutely correct. Their reasoning and their motivation for doing that are quite clear, they intend to destroy our nation and make it over into a godless socio-fascist or marxist state.

They will ultimately fail in that endeavor...but we will have harder rows to hoe in between now and then.

In the mean time, please see this thread:

Out of wedlock sex has a price...and it one of the things destroying our youth and our nation

Let me know what you think.

107 posted on 02/29/2004 7:16:22 PM PST by Jeff Head
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