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Pioneer Press ^ | February 22, 2004 | Amy Becker

Posted on 02/22/2004 4:54:03 AM PST by sarcasm

Paul Stevens couldn't figure out why so many meth addicts he came across had the same piece of busted equipment — a VCR.

The special agent with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension had noticed the pattern for a while. One day in a meth user's home he saw a VCR with a screwdriver jammed into it. He thought the resident might be hiding drugs. That wasn't the case.

Said Stevens: "They're so paranoid, they wonder where those people (on TV) are. They attack the VCRs with screwdrivers, hammers."

Paranoia is just one side effect of methamphetamine, a highly addictive illegal drug increasingly taking hold across Minnesota.

Reported meth activity in the state doubled between 2002 and 2003, by one measure, and related prison sentences jumped to 38 percent of drug offenses in 2002, from 14 percent in 1996. About 75 percent of Minnesota's labs are outstate. In just one county, Pine, officials spent more than $980,000 on meth-related costs in 2003 — one-eighth of the county's net tax levy.

As the drug's popularity grows in the state, so does its far-ranging, devastating effect: jails are packed with inmates who need health care, kids are being permanently removed from their parents, addicts face the challenge of trying to kick a powerfully addicting stimulant and law enforcement agencies struggle for resources to battle the growing number of labs. In addition, meth is reaching new populations, recently prompting concerns among school personnel and American Indian leaders.

"We have not hit our peak with methamphetamine yet in Minnesota," said Brent Lindgren, Mille Lacs County sheriff.

Meth is unique among illegal drugs.

Unlike other narcotics, the powerful man-made stimulant can keep users awake for weeks. It can provoke psychotic violence, unlike marijuana, and is easier to make than cocaine, the only illegal drugs that are more pervasive in the state. Meth — also called speed, crank or ice — is so addicting that jailed users who make bail may be arrested for taking the drug a second time before their first court appearance, sheriffs say.

"When you think you've heard the worst in human nature," Stevens said, "come see a meth head. Methamphetamine just grabs your soul and it doesn't let go."

Addicts are easy to spot.

"(They're) thin, sunken-eyed, sores on their face, teeth rotted out. They scratch all the time, can't stay on topic. They're extremely paranoid," said Kanabec County Sheriff Steve Schulz. "They have a lot of issues, physical and psychological."

The use of methamphetamine, a neurotoxin, is also linked to speeding hearts, pounding blood pressure, damaged blood vessels, skin abscesses and memory loss.

Patrick McVenes, 44, of Mankato, Minn., used the drug to keep awake while running heavy equipment in a steelyard. He became addicted and spent his off hours partying and dealing drugs to feed his habit. He lost his family and landed in prison. He vows to stay clean. "I don't want to die in prison," he says, "and that's what'll happen. I lost a lot already."

The problems posed by methamphetamine's spread in Minnesota are proving hard to solve because of the unique and wide-ranging impact of the drug.


The uniqueness of meth starts when it is made: Anyone can learn to cook it.

Its ingredients include over-the-counter cold remedies, batteries, brake cleaner and farm fertilizer that are easy to come by — unlike the coca leaves used to make cocaine — and easy to combine, for those who can stomach the stink and the risk of an explosion. Meth cookers use chemical processes in makeshift "labs" that can fit in the trunk of a car.

"If you can make chocolate chip cookies, you can make meth," Schulz said.

Cops and others say more than 90 percent of addicts who quit meth will start using again. Treatment experts dispute that figure and contend that while meth poses unique challenges, recovery is possible.

Withdrawal can last longer than with other drugs, addicts and others say.

Former meth addict and dealer Ralph Larson, currently housed at the Douglas County Jail, took his last hit on July 13, 2000, about 20 minutes before narcotics investigators arrested him. He quit in jail, and he couldn't sleep for two weeks. When he finally slept, he dreamed of meth.

"I'd wake up with the sweats and I could taste the dope in my mouth," he said.

Narcotics investigator Ginger Peterson said meth deals cause her extra anxiety.

"These people are completely dangerous. They're different from any other person I've bought drugs from. Their aggression is above and beyond any other drug. There are more guns, more explosives, more booby traps in meth labs than in crack houses," the Martin County investigator said.

Meth's effects reach beyond users. Proximity to the chemicals can make children ill, and in-utero exposure can lead to a condition called "worm heart," which requires surviving infants to have major surgery.

The drug also causes environmental problems derived from its distinctive, homegrown manufacturing process. It can be cooked in car trunks, homes, hotels, fish houses and farm fields, and making a pound of meth creates five to seven pounds of hazardous waste that cookers must dump somewhere. Polluted sites may require costly cleanup, or remediation, to be safely returned to their original use.

Each polluted site — and Minnesota is home to thousands, experts say — could be considered the environmental equivalent of an old gas station. Volunteer roadside cleanup crews find remnants of meth-making, such as cold-medicine boxes and empty plastic buckets. Officials warn people how to spot icehouse labs, from which waste may be dumped right into a lake.

Deborah Durkin, an environmental scientist with the Minnesota Health Department's meth lab program, travels the state to teach about the drug. She often finds herself in rooms filled with worried police, teachers, social workers and, inevitably, grieving families.

"This isn't like anything else we've seen. This is costing us more societally and economically than any other drug phenomenon," Durkin said.


Meth was smuggled from Taiwan and South Korea into Hawaii in the 1980s. By 1990, its presence had grown in the U.S. mainland, according to the Koch Crime Institute, a national organization aimed at understanding the causes of crime.

It has long been reported as the dominant drug problem in the San Diego area and has spread across the west and southwest. About 8.8 million people, 4 percent of the U.S. population, reported having tried meth in a survey in 2000, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse.

It's hard to say when meth entered Minnesota, but Mille Lacs County Undersheriff Alan Marxhausen says he tracked the emergence of labs in central Minnesota in the mid-1990s to an individual who was a meth cooker from Washington state.

The man was advanced a plane ticket against his future earnings to come and set up operations near Princeton, Minn.

Minnesota's meth today comes from local cookers as well as interstate drug runners. About 80 percent is imported from "superlabs," many of which are in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico, said Peterson, the Martin County investigator, who also serves on the Minnesota River Valley Drug Task Force in southern Minnesota.

Bags of meth are often tucked into cars cruising into the state on Interstate 90 or Interstate 35. They may be packed with peppercorns to mask the strong chemical smell.

Meth labs hit rural areas first because it's easier to obtain farm fertilizer and distant neighbors are less likely to smell the odor, described as similar to cat urine. But the number of labs is growing steadily, even in urban areas. In recent years, Minneapolis police have found labs in Uptown and on the North Side. Washington County authorities took down a lab in a middle-class neighborhood in Oakdale in 2003.

Motorcycle gangs once dominated distribution, and users were characterized as blue-collar workers.

Both trends are changing. Meth is now being reported in Minnesota schools and on its Indian reservations, and a broad cross-section of people use it.


Meth offenders are driving up prison populations significantly, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission found, contributing to increased bricks-and-mortar costs for taxpayers.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty has asked the Legislature to consider spending $74.9 million to expand the Faribault prison, and corrections officials hope for a second phase that would bring the bill to about $100 million.

Taxpayers are also on the hook for longer stays for addicts in jail and, often, for their subsequent medical care.

For example, dentists yanked 43 meth-rotted teeth last year from the mouths of inmates at the Pine County Jail, causing officials to switch dentists to save $23 a tooth.

"It's not like one or two. We're talking most of an inmate's teeth," jail administrator Rick Boland said.

The Pine County Jail spent $132,974 on meth-related costs in 2003, an estimate Sheriff Mark Mansavage called conservative. Some factors: Judges keep bails high so addicts don't leave jail to cook again, which means longer jail stays. And the long prison sentences for such crimes mean inmates often fight in court instead of pleading guilty, he said.

To grasp the frustrations of paying for the cost of addiction, visit Sheriff Schulz's office in the Kanabec County Courthouse. He'll show you the blister-pack pills used for inmates' prescription medicines.

The single-use packages let him return unused medicines for refunds. The sheriff doesn't yet know how much money he'll save, but it's not enough: Although the county allotted the jail $25,000 last year for medicine, he spent $47,809.

"It's primarily methamphetamine-related costs," Schulz said, adding that addicted inmates often need anti-depressant and anti-psychotic medication. His small jail holds about 22 inmates; he houses another 35 elsewhere. Schultz said about 70 percent of those inmates use meth, a figure consistent with the estimates of some other outstate sheriffs.

Alan Peterson, the Kanabec County coordinator, said the $47,809 figure was a huge hit to take in a budget where savings come in hundred-dollar increments.

County residents have made it clear they'd like better funding for extension services and children's 4-H programs, Peterson said, but "instead of taking care of our kids, we're taking care of the medical expenses of meth users."

In Alexandria, Lt. Bill McKay, assistant jail administrator, often has to separate meth users from other inmates because of their hallucinations. "One of them was seeing Janet Reno all the time," McKay said.

Douglas County learned a financial lesson when a home lab exploded in Alexandria this past July. Two suspects who were burned in the fire were jailed, McKay said.

In an unusual decision, those suspects were released before trial, "mainly because their medical bills would have been extremely expensive," McKay said.

"We would have had to pay for it and tried to get the money back from them. Whereas when they were released, they were covered under their dad's insurance."

While individual counties are seeing direct impact, state prisons are also burdened.

Nanette Schroeder, health services director for the Minnesota Corrections Department, said because many inmates who do meth also smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, it's difficult to specify which health needs are driven by meth use.

But she is sure that meth-related illnesses are driving up health costs in prison, where offenders pay only a $3 copay when they seek an appointment and the state is responsible for the rest.

Those costs will increase as more meth offenders reach prison, and the percentages are jumping.

In 1996, 48 percent of drug offenders sentenced to prison were there because of cocaine, compared with 14 percent for all amphetamines.

Cocaine claimed 40 percent of all cases in 2002, but methamphetamine/amphetamine offend-ers had grown to 38 percent, according to the state sentencing guidelines commission.

Schulz sees the toll.

"Are there a lot of psychological medications because of this drug? Yes," he said.

"Is the United States in a lot of trouble down the road because of this drug? Yeah, probably. We don't know what will happen 10 years from now. It's wrecking a lot of good people."


Authorities estimate they find children at more than 30 percent of Minnesota meth labs.

Those children must be checked for heavy metals, meth, physical or sexual abuse, leading to clinic visits costing $175-$230 apiece and sometimes emergency room visits of $1,500, according to Olmsted County public health data.

Even if a child is healthy, protective custody costs add up.

Dan Papin, director of Washington County Community Services, offers an example of a methamphetamine case involving the parent of three children younger than 8. It would cost the county about $28,000 in staff time, therapy and placement costs, Papin said, calling those figures conservative.

Washington County had 427 assessments for children's services in 2003, and about 225 involved meth use by the parent or a child as young as 14, said Tammy Kincaid, children's services intake and assessment supervisor.

"People often choose the meth over their kids," Kincaid said.

Timothy Hofmann, 39, from North Minneapolis, said his addiction to the drug made parenting impossible. When meth takes hold, "it's got you 100 percent," he said. "When you wake up, the first thing on your mind is not your kids, it's the drugs."

At the end of January, a 9-month-old girl was left in a 17-degree apartment in Ashby, Minn., tears frozen on her cheeks. The baby's mother told police she had taken meth and left her baby to flee people who were out to get her.

That infant joined a growing group of Minnesota children who risk being permanently placed away from their parents because of meth.

The trend is stark, according to a December 2003 report by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare at the University of Minnesota. Out-of-home placements due to parental chemical abuse increased 82.3 percent in greater Minnesota counties from 2000 to 2002. By contrast, placements statewide declined during the same period.

The study tracked parental drug abuse in general, not meth in particular, but it found a correlation between out-of-home placements due to parent drug use and the number of reported meth labs seized in the county.

And kids who are temporarily removed from home due to parental drug abuse may never live with mom and dad again, the study found. In cases that don't involve drugs, the vast majority of children eventually may return to parents.

Pat Hass, Pine County's health and human services director, summed up the impact of meth addiction on families:

"You have a rigid, colicky baby with medical issues in a household where parents are using methamphetamine and are paranoid and even irrational. What kind of a combination is that?" Hass asked. "I'm concerned about losing more than one generation. I'm afraid of losing two."


It only took one hit to hijack Ralph Larson's life, which experts say is one of the troubling aspects of meth addiction.

Larson was in downtown St. Paul in 1996 when some people offered him a yellowish powder called meth.

"I tried a line and it felt like my nose was going to burn off my face, but the effect of this drug … it gave me a boost and I mean a boost!" wrote Larson, 40, of Lake Elmo, in a letter about his addiction.

"I partied all night," he said, and his monthly use doubled by early 1997. "Within a short period of time I had to have this drug just to function like normal people do."

He once stayed awake for 10 days in a row, taking hits as he tired. Nine of his teeth rotted and had to be pulled. He hallucinated, seeing "shadow people" lurking along the edge of his vision.

"The effects are devastating," Larson said.

"You're not human when you're doing meth because all you care about is getting high," he said. "I've seen people peel their face off while high … They would look in the mirror and keep scratching and opening up facial wounds."

Larson and three other former dealers sat in a sparse conference room in the Douglas County Jail annex on a snowy January day, describing their addictions to meth. The drug landed all of them in Alexandria, where they build homes and pray to God to stay clean.

Dan O'Neill, of St. Paul, who has been clean since 1999, worries that meth has "scattered" his brain.

"Look where it's got me. I've never seen a successful meth user yet," he said.

Yet the men say they are turning their lives around.

Hofmann, the former addict from North Minneapolis, used to do so much meth, he said at one point he saw it come out of his skin.

"I've seen crystals on myself, like a little snowflake that comes through my pores," he said. He remembers thinking, "Whoa! Dope's coming out of my skin!"

A health department official said such stories likely result from skin loss due to damaged blood vessels.

Hofmann sees life differently these days. He has been drug-free for more than three years, and eagerly showed a visitor pictures of the affordable homes built through the state prison system's Institution Community Work Crew program.

"Look at all these houses we built," Hofmann said. "I'm damned proud of that."


Because addicts are paranoid and labs are often booby-trapped, arresting addicts is dangerous, and a lack of funding makes it harder for police to do their jobs safely.

Cops trained to bust meth labs have stopped at a central Minnesota McDonald's for free straws because they lacked money for pipettes to collect samples, said Paul Stevens, the BCA special agent.

Pine County Sheriff Mark Mansavage combs for grants to boost his budget, a practice he says is increasingly important in "the war on meth." His office received a $20,000 grant for homeland security and drug inquiries that will mean more masks, vests, weapons and barricades for his emergency response team.

"The ones we go up against will match up or outdo us for weapons," Mansavage said. "They're getting more professional, bringing in body guards, booby traps."

Authorities say there are far more labs than there are resources to bust them.

Stevens, co-director of the Midwest Governors Conference on Methamphetamine, begged a state lawmaker last January for $600,000 to outfit officers short-term. There are no funding streams for safety clothes, filters, gloves, boots and chemical suits, he said.

"Some of these guys are using (single-use) suits three or four times," he said. "It's like sending a fireman to a fire without a helmet, jacket or gloves."

Even when materials are available, manpower can be scarce. Cooperation among agencies is high, many in law enforcement said, but tough decisions must be made about using those resources.

Schulz, the Kanabec County sheriff, has six patrol officers and one investigator, so he is pragmatic about the 30 labs believed to operate in his county. He relies on a dangerous but effective tactic: He grabs Investigator Brian Smith and they head out for "knock-and-talks." The two show up at suspected labs and warn people to shut down, leave or prepare to be arrested.

Stevens called the "knock-and-talk" method dangerous, but added: "It works. These people are so paranoid it's one way to drive them out. The trouble is, all it does is move them on to another town."

Preventive action can ease more than the drug caseload, Smith said.

Meth use is linked to other crimes, from identity theft and check forgeries to burglaries, which further strains agencies. Smith said that 75 percent of his overall caseload is related to meth use, as are 95 percent of his burglaries.

As tactics to fight methamphetamine evolve, so do the tactics to create the drug.

Mansavage, the Pine County sheriff, learned this month that cookers are using two new products to obtain meth ingredients: salt blocks with ephedrine intended for sick farm animals, and power pole transformers, which can be cannibalized for a chemical replacement for anhydrous ammonia.

"Power outages are going to have to be investigated as possible meth activity," Mansavage said. "There's no end to it."

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: addiction; meth; substanceabuse; wod
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To: dennisw
Sure, why not? You have a problem with speed addicts offing themselves?
101 posted on 02/23/2004 7:25:21 AM PST by Stone Mountain
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To: Fresh Wind
Anyone who would claim that meth is a harmless recreational drug, to be equated with pot, or is OK because "doctors prescribe it", is full of ****.

I don't think anyone, whether or not you are for the WOD or not, claims that...
102 posted on 02/23/2004 7:27:24 AM PST by Stone Mountain
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To: sarcasm
""I've seen crystals on myself, like a little snowflake that comes through my pores," he said. He remembers thinking, "Whoa! Dope's coming out of my skin!""

I've seen some people with that, around their finger joints. Is that meth? White flakey stuff?
103 posted on 02/23/2004 7:35:00 AM PST by Monty22
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To: Mrs Mark
The trouble is that this stuff leads to users flipping out and victimizing their neighbors (burglary, assault, murder, and so on). When such a direct link can be established, then isn't government action warrented?

This isn't "reefer madness." Meth litterally takes normal people and makes them criminally insane.
104 posted on 02/23/2004 7:44:46 AM PST by Constantine XIII
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To: martin_fierro
This would make a great anti-drug ad. The only thing most teen girls are interested in is their appearance. Typical scare tactics(i.e.-you might die)don't work.
105 posted on 02/23/2004 7:46:34 AM PST by macrahanish #1
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To: dennisw
He he, supply side economics at it's finest. :)
106 posted on 02/23/2004 7:51:17 AM PST by Constantine XIII
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Comment #107 Removed by Moderator

To: Constantine XIII
That is quite true.

In 1984-1985 I was one of the biggest meth dealers in my city. I saw first-hand the havoc wrought by crystal. First, everyone started doing it for the rush.

Then, people would start losing jobs because they would stay up for days at a time and could not (literally, physically could not) make it to work after they crashed.

Then, marriages would break up because two people doing meth all the time cannot get along for long.

Then, paranoia would set it. Everyone was out to get them. Everyone was a narc. Everyone wanted to steal their meth. Long-time friendships would end in violence.

Then, the guns would start showing up. The most mild-mannered and meek people would walk around with guns ready to shoot anything that moved, absolutely convinced they were in constant danger. My brother in law was my partner in the meth biz. He lived next door. One day, we just decided that we were out to get one another and started fighting. Next thing, he bought a rifle to protect himself from me. I responded by buying an AR-15 to use on him if necessary. For the next 8 months or so, we had a cold war that tore my family apart.

I remember one guy in my neighborhood who shot up a full length mirror in his apartment. he couldn't stand looking at it.

I once sat down with a friend who had been doing meth for about 6 months. His wife had taken the kids and moved. He had lost his job. He had no more furniture. His utilities had been cutoff. As he sat by candlelight making up a shot, he repeatedy told me he didn't have a drug problem.

Meth is the drug from Hell. Regardless of where one stands on drug legalization, crystal meth cannot be tolerated in a civilized society.
108 posted on 02/23/2004 8:03:44 AM PST by Skooz (My Biography: Psalm 40:1-3)
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To: dirtboy
The authoritarian streak in dennisw runs a lot deeper than with respect to meth alone.

I think we'd both agree that weed and booze have similar overall societal impacts.

I don't agree. Alcohol is responsible for far more abusive behavior and far more lives and families destroyed by drunk drivers. If you add in the interdiction and enforcement against pot, alcohol is a less clear winner, but I still think it wins. Of course, doing so confuses the costs of prohibition with the costs of use.

But meth is an entirely different manner. Growing pot in your backyard isn't a danger to others, unlike the manufacture of meth.

False. There are safe ways to make meth and dangerous ways. The precursors to the safe ways - the ones thought of years ago, have been already been controlled, so now the only precursor readily available is cold pills, which require a dangerous chemical synthesis to turn into meth. This too is a cost of prohibition, not of use.

Consider the deaths from antifreeze, the blindings from methanol, and the violent illnesses from isopropyl alcohol during the prohibition, used to justify the prohbition. "Surely we can agree that alcohol is much more dangerous than other things, based on these facts," I can hear you say.

Come to think of it, if meth weren't prohibited, you wouldn't have to make it at all - you could just buy it and the safety hazards associated with making it would vanish altogether.

We criminalize drunk driving even if harm does not occur because of the high likelihood of harm and the severity of the harm from drunk drivers. Likewise, IMO both the manufacture and use of meth crosses a similar threshhold and justify criminalization.

I have already addressed the manufacture case, so I'll consider use here. For one thing, the purity of home-cooked meth is questionable, and the paranoia it seems to produce could be a consequence of the impurities present in this particular way of making it, and not intrinsic to the drug itself. Meth has been around a long time, but the high incidence of paranoia induced by its use is relatively new. I knew several meth users in college, and none were paranoid or violent. The paranoia could also be associated with the knowledge that the users have of it's illegality, which would also go away if it were decriminalized. OTOH I know many cases in which alcohol use has led to criminal violence, and we return to the question of alcohol prohibition.

It would take a real clinical study to determine if pure meth led to an unacceptably high level of violent or psychotic episodes, which one cannot do looking at anecdotal evidence from street-cooked meth affecting a non-randomly selected population of users. (For example, perhaps paranoia-inclined people tend to use meth more frequently than people in the general population.)

It would also be interesting to see if meth, studied under such conditions, caused more violence than, say, kids treated with antidepressants such as zoloft, paxil, and prozac, which seem to have been connected to nearly every school shooting in the last decade - and every one of which earned FDA approval.

I have heard the "worst of the worst" rhetoric applied, at different times in the last century, to opium, alcohol, tobacco, pot, cocaine, meth, PCP and heroin. In terms of raw numbers of lives destroyed, I'd say alcohol, not meth, should hold that honor.

109 posted on 02/23/2004 9:03:49 AM PST by coloradan (Hence, etc.)
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To: Fresh Wind
I was a heavy meth user for several years in the 80s. I never sunk to the depths that the people in the article reached. I was able to stop, but saw other friends sink farther into what can only be described as paranoia.

I was at some old drug buddy's house in downtown Long Beach about 12 years ago. He and his roommate had found a Standard & Poor's online user guide or something in the dumpster behind their apartment. They were convinced that they had uncovered a plot to topple Wall Street and no amount of logical thinking could sway them from this belief.

110 posted on 02/23/2004 9:14:06 AM PST by GSWarrior
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To: dirtboy
Meth is probably the most dangerous hard drug out there, and the manufacture creates a clear hazard to neighbors.

Incidentally, this logic parallel's that of gun grabbers, who seek to criminalize the "weapon of choice" of criminals. Irrespective of the facts, or lack thereof, underlying their arguments, once one of them is criminalized, another legal gun becomes the new "weapon of choice" - and so in need of prohibition. Of all the legal drugs out there, deciding the criminalize only the most dangerous one is a path to criminalizing all of them.

111 posted on 02/23/2004 10:27:16 AM PST by coloradan (Hence, etc.)
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To: dirtboy
Incidentally, the criminalization of drunk driving is a poor example to compare with meth prohibition: In some states, drunk driving is legal ... on one's private property. Driving drunk is only illegal on public roads or places where the public has a general right to be, like grocery store parking lots. Drunk driving is also a behavior, which is fundamentally different from meth which is a substance. If you want to treat them more alike, then you could criminalize driving while on meth, or being in public while on meth, or have enhanced penalties for crimes committed while on meth, while still allowing responsible people to make, own, and/or use meth on their own property so long as they don't harm others. Which is a long way from the present militarized prohibition.
112 posted on 02/23/2004 10:32:27 AM PST by coloradan (Hence, etc.)
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To: Kozak
"I am an ED physician andi have treated patients with OD and chronic abuse of Methamphetamine, Ritalin, and other amphetamines. They all affect the dopaminergic, and sertonine receptors of the brain. Some are slightly more potent then others, but not to the huge and varied degree you state."

With all due respect, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I am no doctor, but I do have a neurologist in the family and I and one of my daughters have been prescribed stimulant medications. I am currently taking a small daily dose of Concerta, which as you know is time release Methylphenidate. I am also an adviser on our local drug court committee and as a public defender I work with drug addicts all the time. I have done quite a bit of research on stimulant medications used to treat ADHD and quite a bit on addiction as well, especially addiction to methamphetamine which is the hard drug most often abused where I live. Moreover, I must admit that when I was younger I took cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine several times, so I can speak from some experience as to how these drugs make people feel.

With respect to effects of methamphetamine and amphetamines on dopamine and seritonin levels, from what I have learned amphetamines and methamphetamine are much more potent when it comes to releasing dopamine, and that the jury is still out as to whether Methylphenidate has any appreciable effect on seritonin. (See ; ) These drugs may work on the same parts of the brain generally and may be much more similar than they are different, but the differences, however subtle they might seem on paper, result in a far different "high." The high dopamine levels caused by amphetamine and methamphetamine use produce a euphoric feeling far greater than that caused by Ritalin. This is one of the main reasons why meth is so much more addictive than Ritalin. It feels good. It makes you feel like your team just got done winning the big game and you're all ready and raring to go party. Ritalin does not tend to produce the same energy level or the same feeling of well being. In fact, taking too much can make people feel awful.

A couple of months ago I forgot that I had already taken my Concerta and I took another dose. It was one of the most miserable days I have had in a long time. I felt terrible. I just had to "ride it out" all day until the stuff finally wore off. I was speeding like crazy, but it sure wasn't fun. I've done that before with Ritalin too but Ritalin wears off in a couple of hours so it's not as bad. It still wasn't a pleasant experience though.

With meth, you can take enough to make you speed like a rocket but it still feels good. You feel lucid, confident, energetic, and usually happy. It feels good to feel like you have enough energy to tackle the world. The only adverse side effects for me that I can remember from the relatively smallish doses I took were that it made me too talkative and made me grind my teeth if I took too much, that and it lasts too long. Too much Ritalin on the other hand made me feel anxious, twisted my stomach into knots, and made simple tasks like reading and just thinking in general seem like monumental tasks.

I realize there are kids out there who abuse Ritalin. I cannot imagine why except perhaps that they are just really bored. It's not a fun drug.
113 posted on 02/23/2004 1:26:56 PM PST by TKDietz
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To: coloradan
"It would take a real clinical study to determine if pure meth led to an unacceptably high level of violent or psychotic episodes, which one cannot do looking at anecdotal evidence from street-cooked meth affecting a non-randomly selected population of users. (For example, perhaps paranoia-inclined people tend to use meth more frequently than people in the general population.)"

I think there is plenty of evidence that pharmaceutical grade drugs cause these problems as well, especially with regard to straight amphetamines. Pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine has never been prescribed or abused on anywhere near the same levels that straight amphetamines have been prescribed and illegally abused in this country and others. But meth is nothing but a more powerful form of amphetamines so it is even more prone to causing these problems than amphetamines. Violence, psychosis and so on are common when people overuse meth or amphetamines. People often stay up for days and begin hallucinating. Their overworked brains start misfiring and they do stupid things. They often become easily agitated and are often prone to explode in anger. This is well documented common knowledge, and we've known about these problems at least since amphetamine use was so widespread here in the fifties and sixties.

I'm not a big fan of the war on drugs either but you can only go so far with blaming all of the problems on prohibition. Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive dangerous drug. Legal or not, it will cause people enormous problems. I would suggest that if meth were legalized and sold really cheap at the local convenience store that many more people would use it and we'd see many more lifelong addicts who would burden themselves, those around them and society in general with serious problems. I don't believe in giving people felony records and locking them in prisons for doing nothing wrong other than possessing/using a drug like meth, but I think legalizing such that any adult with a few bucks could buy it at the convenience store would be a disaster.
114 posted on 02/23/2004 2:05:34 PM PST by TKDietz
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To: dirtboy
I think the War on Some Drugs needs to be modified in several areas, especially regarding pot. But your comment is, quite frankly, dangerously ignorant of the reality of meth manufacture and abuse. Meth is probably the most dangerous hard drug out there, and the manufacture creates a clear hazard to neighbors.

I have no doubt that "Meth" is nasty stuff.

My comment concerning the WOD and the "Meth" problem still stands.

Meth only came about as a way to get around the WOD.

Using a reaction to the WOD as a justification for the WOD is faulty.

If there was no WOD the likely hood of something as dangerous as Meth gaining a marketshare would be less than it is now. I would imagine that people who like to get high would prefer a safer means if it was available.

115 posted on 02/23/2004 3:01:31 PM PST by Mark was here (My fan club: "Go abuse some family member, as I'm sure is your practice." - Principled)
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To: Hacksaw
I thought that multiply banned MrLeRoy stated that alcohol is the only drug that causes agression. Looks like he was wrong again.

I dare you to produce one post in which MrLeRoy ever said that.

You can't, so try not to be intellectually dishonest.
116 posted on 02/23/2004 3:07:05 PM PST by Xenalyte (I may not agree with your bumper sticker, but I shall defend to the death your right to stick it)
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To: Mrs Mark
If there was no WOD the likely hood of something as dangerous as Meth gaining a marketshare would be less than it is now.

Addiction is not your normal market/economic response, and it's absurd to treat it as such.

I would imagine that people who like to get high would prefer a safer means if it was available.

I see you have never talked to anyone who has been on meth. They'll crawl across the rug looking for crumbs of meth that might have spilled. I know people who have used hard drugs and they say meth is even more addictive than heroin and crack. That dynamic (otherwise known as reality) defies any attempt to apply cold rational libertarian economic analysis to the abuse of methamphetamine.

117 posted on 02/24/2004 5:34:49 AM PST by dirtboy (Howard, we hardly knew ye. Not that we're complaining, mind you...)
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To: Mrs Mark
If there was no WOD the likely hood of something as dangerous as Meth gaining a marketshare would be less than it is now. I would imagine that people who like to get high would prefer a safer means if it was available.

Well --- there are safer drugs available --- marijuana and the legal alcohol. If what you say is true --- why wouldn't someone skip the meth and drink beer?

118 posted on 02/24/2004 5:47:47 AM PST by FITZ
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Comment #119 Removed by Moderator

To: onmyfeet
Once they're on it, sure -- but why would they start with meth if less risky stimulants were legal?

I see you have absolutely no comprehension of the addict mentality. They really aren't the least bit concerned about any warning labels.

120 posted on 02/24/2004 6:01:36 AM PST by dirtboy (Howard, we hardly knew ye. Not that we're complaining, mind you...)
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