The American leadership, our "movers and shakers," and the corrupt government of Mexico know. But there's $$$$$$$$ in them thar' immigrants.
FINALLY the mainstream is starting to publish "the way it is" as these two recent articles illustrate.
"It's the old consulate, times 3," by Oscar Avila, Chicago Tribune staff reporter, February 18, 2004
Writing about the importance of the corrupt (my word) government of Mexico's refurbished consulate in Chicago, Mr Avila says,
"Mexico relies on these immigrants for cash infusions to their homeland that pay for public-works projects and for-profit ventures. Likewise, the Mexican government hopes the 700,000 Mexican immigrants living in the Chicago consulate's three-state jurisdiction become a political force in the United States." [end excerpt]
These are the "hometown associations (HTA)" made famous by the likes of pre-W.W.II pro-Nazi Germans living in the U.S. There are hundreds of Mexican HTAs in the U.S.
"Bush Bill Would Aid Mexico's Meddling in U.S.," by Mark Krikorian (executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies), published on February 18, 2004 states
[I]n the 1990s, Mexico embarked on a campaign of extending its political authority into the United States - not just over Mexican immigrants, but also naturalized and native-born Americans of Mexican ancestry. There are 10 million Mexican-born people in this country (including 5 million illegals) plus more than 10 million additional Americans of Mexican descent.
Now, this is not the fantasy of reconquista - retaking the Southwest, lost in the 1846-'48 Mexican War. Instead, it is an attempt to set up a special status for people of Mexican origin, like the status Europeans enjoyed in China in the 19th century.
There's nothing secret about this effort. President Vicente Fox once referred to himself as president of all 118 million Mexicans - the 100 million in Mexico and the (then-)18 million in the United States, the majority of whom are U.S. citizens. And this is a long-term proposition for them: In June 2001, Juan Hernandez, former head of Fox's cabinet-level office for relations with Mexicans abroad, said on ABC's "Nightline," "I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think, 'Mexico first.'" [end excerpt]
Mr. Krikorian goes on to explain the corrupt (my word) government of Mexico's plans for its "nation without borders" or Mexican diaspora.,0,5298238,print.story