Further, the factual outline here is incomplete and readers generally are not picking up on the nuances of what is being said.
The affair in question happened while she was at Clark College in Massachusetts. About 1998-2000. The possibility exists that the affair was with Kerry's local fund raiser, not Kerry. That is not what is being covered up. Even if Kerry had an affair with her in that time period, he could confess and the problem would go away--two consenting adults (etc.); a problem with Mrs. Katsup maybe but not a fatal problem for his campaign.
Then, in 2003 or 2004, something else happens: He solicits her to work on his campaign for president; end of the discussions has her turning him down. In that time interval happened the event that is being covered up.
Result of the event is that her parents conclude Kerry is a scumbag (he is). She is first angry; then, later in 2004 concerned about her neck. Her friends learn about the "nasty"; the story starts to get legs among the political insiders and many think Kerry is done for that reason. Kerry does not respond to her; and she is increasingly concerned about her neck.
So she makes a video of her story of the affair; ABC has a copy; so do others including her lawyer in London. If anything bad happens to her, it gets published.
General Clark (and maybe his friends Hilly and Billy from the Ozarks) has a big mouth. Kerry now becomes concerned. He pays her off and tells her to leave town. Probably a big check; maybe with a big holdback also (if the story comes out, you lose). Her parents now decide Kerry would make a great president and endorse him.
This problem is not going away. Too many people are in the know and shortly we will all hear what really happened. If it is really as bad as reported, it should bring Kerry down, even if he and the media continue to deny. Voters are skeptical of Dems on this issue because of Slick Bill, and the bad suggestion may be enough to stop Kerry. Maybe if enough people in Wisconsin are on line, Drudge may dent Kerry without any confirmation.