To: *Homosexual Agenda; EdReform; scripter; GrandMoM; backhoe; Yehuda; Clint N. Suhks; saradippity; ...
Homosexual Agenda Ping.
Why are so many elected Republicans so - wishy washy? Timid? D**kless? Milquetoste? Go along to get along? Beige? Neutral colors? Namby pamby? Pabulum? Orrin Hatch-esque?
Maybe more Freepers should run for office.
If anyone wants on or off this ping list, ping me!
5 posted on
02/15/2004 11:20:28 PM PST by
little jeremiah
(everyone is entitled to their opinion, but everyone isn't entitled to be right.)
To: little jeremiah
These guys (or gals) are in the State Senate for one thing a career. What gets me are the so called Roman Catholic senators if they are good Catholics they have no reason for voting for Adam and Steve.
13 posted on
02/16/2004 11:04:54 AM PST by
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