On a related subject, Brinkley said that Kerry's Vietnam war wounds, for which he received three Purple Hearts, were not particularly serious. Asked about the severity of Kerry's injuries, Brinkley told Malzberg, "They were minor wounds." I think it's very dangerous for us to engage in any kind of debate regarding the extent of Kerry's wounds, and the circumstances under which his medals were awarded. The Rats will jump all over this, and accuse the Republicans of denigrating every serviceman who was wounded in battle. That's not what we should be focusing on.
The real story here is what Kerry did after he returned from Viet Nam - his relationship with Hanoi Jane, his outrageous charges of atrocities leveled against other Viet Nam vets, etc. That is where Kerry is vulnerable, and that's where he should be held accountable.
i agree - we must let them nominate this "target rich" guy in peace and plan our strategy carefully, not going off half-cocked now. we will only hurt the Prez. it all has to be framed very carefully. by the way, i heard Ollie North say that many of the military in Vietnam did not accept their third Purple Heart because they sent you home. Kerry accepted his and left early from what i read. hmmmmm.... that tidbit and the fact that "real" heroes rarely speak of their heroism in public apparently speaks to more than a few vets.