So what? At MOST Bubba-2 would only get the votes he would have normally been expected to get if he hadn't stabbed conservatives in the back. This ain't nearly enough to make up for all the "undecided" votes that will immediately jump to Bubbette!'s side in order to "make history",not to mention the brand new voters who register and vote for the first time,purely to vote for a woman president. Considering that Bubba-2 barely squeaked by (535 votes!) a idiot savant the last time that damn near everybody hated,he doesn't have a chance against Bubbette!. She will automatically get the votes of the Dim party people just for being a Dim,and that right here pretty much makes her a draw. The additional ones will make her a winner.
Exactly... If dead people vote in some states why not 20 million illegals (OK- 5 million of them or MORE) with really good fake ID's, that own homes and have drivers licenses (and voter regs).. and KNOW that no republican will give them what a democrat would have, what are they STUPID?.. WHO's to stop them... the INS...LoL...,
Over-confidence is a witch or troll electing disease... I still think GWB strongly favors Alfred E. Nueman anyways.. and that some people in some smoke filled room somewhere are laughing at republicans at every sound bite or TV appearance of his.. Some of GWB's legislative victorys are really like something out of Madd Magazine(the political section) that even Ron Popille(i.e. turkey roaster) could'nt sell... yeah!.. the MatrixI seems to be a documentary instead of a movie..
I really am dumber than a post, I'm voting for him AGAIN!, too... DuuuH!..