In faith, I believe this is an unimpeachably true statement, marron. God's plan must be flexible, because it definitely includes us human beings -- who He created in his image, with reason and free will.
Yet it seems to me we humans have just never gotten this "free will" business exacly right. (Adam blew it big time in the Garden.)
But I think your larger point is that there really does exist a community of being in the universe: perhaps something like God-Man-Society-World. In this hierarchy, God's law rules at each and every ontological level. But all the levels are required to express the total Being of the universe, and also the total being of any man, if he could but understand himself and his significance to the larger project of which he is a participant, to the reality beyond his own immediate inner world.
I agree this sort of thing requires whatever institutional support it can get. But such support should never be funded by the political state. (Not that you suggested such a thing.)
You wrote: "Some are as you say more willing vessels than others, and some are more readily moved to action than others."
God calls whom He wills; He calls them presumably for their fitness to take on the tasks that are needed, according to their unique abilities. And all of these called are equal in His sight. Or at least, that is the message of faith that comes through to me. A person of faith is a person of faith, though faith may express in different ways.