Tell that to Irving Kristol and Max Boot, among others who have bragged about being Neo-cons and "hard wilsonians."
"It's false, it doesn't exist, it's a shadow enemie invented by people who are morally bereft. They make up a name, throw hatred at it, and soon the morons of the world follow."
You sound just like someone who has a drug problem and is in denial, even though there is overwhelming evidence to show otherwise. These are very real people and you darn well know it. The real morons are those who believe that something as evil and un-American as neo-conservatism can be Conservative. It is nothing more than a trojan horse for the American version of the social democrat with a internationalist bent that disguises itself as being in America's national interest. I would also point out their love for things like open borders and the obscene and unworkable concept of the "propositional nation." When I hear the morons on talk radio praising people like FDR and equating him with the Right to the point where some of these fools have called him a "conservative," I almost have to laugh, if it wasn't so tragic. This just shows how far to the Left the conservatives of today have gone from those of the 1980 election. and it is because of the influence of the neo-cons.